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Egie is as large as Brighton; it was some way from the sea. I had five brothers and sisters. We all lived together with my father and mother; he kept a horse, and was respectable, but not one of the great men. My uncle was one of the great men at Egie: he could make men come and work for him: his name was Otou. He had a great deal of land and cattle.

Tootaha was killed in one of these, and when Cook again arrived, in 1773, Pomare was king, though Cook only knew him by his title of Otou, which he apparently still retained, though there was no regent. In 1789 Captain Bligh called at Tahiti in the Bounty, to export young bread-fruit trees to the West Indies.

In about a week after we got back, the Adinyés returned, and burnt all the sheds and houses they had left standing. We all ran away again; we went to the woods as we had done before. They followed us the next day. We went farther into the woods, and staid there about four days and nights; we were half starved; we only got a few potatoes. My uncle Otou was with us.

Hence, with the master-poet of Hellas, we must acknowledge those agrapta kasphalê theôn nomima ou gar ti nun ge kachthes, all aei pote tauta, koudeis oiden ex otou phanê the unwritten irresistible laws, ever-living, whose origin no one can tell.