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"Thou hast said it," continued Otoes. "But now I will answer that which Thou hast asked of me. "Thou hast asked what I do in this province? I guard the property of Osiris, the pharaoh, and my own part in it. Look at those flocks; Thou seest various animals. Some give milk, others flesh, others wool and skins. The people of Egypt give wheat, wine, woolen stuffs, vessels, houses.

Farther south were the Pawnees, the Kaws, the Otoes, the Osages, most of whom depended in part upon the buffalo for their living, though the Otoes, the Pawnees, the Mandans, and certain others now and then raised a little corn or a few squashes to help out their bill of fare. Still farther south dwelt the Kiowas, the Comanches, and others.

One school is in operation on the reservation, with an attendance of sixty-eight scholars, besides an industrial home for orphans, supported by the Indians themselves. Otoes and Missourias.

On reaching the great village of the Kansas he found there five Comanche chiefs and warriors, whom Gaillard had induced to come thither with him. Seven chiefs of the Otoes presently appeared, in accordance with an invitation of Bourgmont; then six chiefs of the Iowas and the head chief of the Missouris.

From that place, too, the worthy Otoes showed Ramses the fields and vineyards of the pharaoh; he showed what canal they were clearing, what sluice they were repairing; he showed furnaces for smelting copper; he showed where the royal granaries' stood, where the lotus and papyrus swamps were, what fields were covered with sand, and so on till he had finished.

The prince gave such a look to the nomarch that he bent double and moved backward. "What did the worthy Otoes command you the workers?" asked the viceroy of Bakura. "He commanded us, lord, to go along the bank of the Nile, swim in the river, stand at the roads, make an uproar in thy honor, and he promised to give us what was proper for doing so.

It was this camp, pitched where the village of Calhoun, Neb., now stands, that received the name of Council Bluff, which was later appropriated by an Iowa town. Here, on August 2d, appeared a small band of Otoes and Missouris, with a Frenchman who resided among them. Presents were exchanged, and the officers requested a council upon the following morning. "August 3d.

This meadow, great today, was once greater, and from this spot they could not see the desert, which now is a terror. "When the gods are battling, men can do nothing; where Set conquers Osiris, who can bar the way to him?" The worthy Otoes finished; the prince hung his head.

"Therefore explain to me two things: first, why has the income of his holiness diminished? second, what art Thou doing thyself in the province?" Otoes was confused, and the prince added quickly, "I wish to know what Thou art doing here, and by what methods, since I am young and only commencing to govern." "Thou hast the wisdom of a century," whispered the nomarch.

From their situation and character it may be conjectured that we have here the Copan cemetery, and that these idols are the grave-posts, and these altars are the graves of Copan chiefs. The type of both may still be seen in Nebraska in the grave-posts and grave-mounds by their side, of Iowas and Otoes, and formerly in all parts of the United States east of the Mississippi. If Mr.