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Pryors Sholder was put out of place yesterday Carrying Meat and is painfull to day. wind hard all day dispatched 2 hunters, they returnd in the evening with three Deer & 2 orters. four men arrived from the lower Camp by land to assist at this place in building the Canoes &c. musquitors & knats verry troublesom all day. a fiew wild pigions about our Camp.

He stood with his back against the great arched window flooded with the yellow light of the setting sun, a little black figure in high relief, with a face of parchment. And he took a pinch of snuff before he spoke. "I am here py Mr. Carvel's orters, sir," said he, "and py tose alone vill I leaf."

He stood with his back against the great arched window flooded with the yellow light of the setting sun, a little black figure in high relief, with a face of parchment. And he took a pinch of snuff before he spoke. "I am here py Mr. Carvel's orters, sir," said he, "and py tose alone vill I leaf."

He stood with his back against the great arched window flooded with the yellow light of the setting sun, a little black figure in high relief, with a face of parchment. And he took a pinch of snuff before he spoke. "I am here py Mr. Carvel's orters, sir," said he, "and py tose alone vill I leaf."

She will be very light, more so than any vessel of her size that I ever saw. Six beaver & 2 orters has been Killed at this camp within a fiew days we discover no fish above the falls as yet- the only timber in this part of the Countrey is willow, a fiew Cotton trees which is neither large nor tall, Boxalders and red wood.

Worden was a real Dominie, could not be questioned by those who saw him standing, as he did, face to face, with all the usual signs of his sacred office in his dress and air. "I believe there must be some mistake here, constable!" exclaimed Mr. Mayor. "Why have you brought these two strange gentlemen along with Guert Ten Eyck?" "My orters, Mr.