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Their names wuz Algernon and Guenivere Piddock, but they called 'em Nony and Neny which wuz, indeed, a comfort to bystanders. Folks ort to be careful what names they put onto their children; yes, indeed. Neny wuz a very beautiful, good-appearin' young girl, and acted as if she would have had good sense, and considerable of it, if she hadn't been afraid to say her soul wuz her own.

Johnnie wished she could think of something pleasant to say to the poor thing, when her attention was diverted by the old man once more addressing herself. "You look stout and hearty; if you learn to weave as fast as you ort, and git so you can tend five or six looms, I'll bet you git a husband," he remarked in a burst of generosity.

"The Flaggalants," by Carl Marr, is a enormous big picter, but fearful to look at. It made me feel real bad to see how them men wuz a-hurtin' their own selves. They hadn't ort to. Another picter by the same artist, called "A Summer Afternoon," I liked as well agin; the soul of the pleasant summer-time looked out of that picter, and the faces of the wimmen and children in it.

But I confess that I did feel a little dubersome in my own mind. I felt that she ort to have took it more openly. She had been and contoggled three days and a half for Miss Elder Minkley, and got fifty cents a day for contogglin'. She had fixed over the waists of two old dresses, and contoggled a old dress skirt so's it looked most as well as new. Amelia is a good contoggler and a good Christian.

Blandina sez to me as we wended our way out, "No man ort to be turned back out of this country." She said the Chinee wuz good, industrious, equinomical and peaceable. And I sez, "Yes, they work well and don't go round like some other foreigners with a chip on their shoulder.

"Narry one of you hain't one bit o' feelin' ur pity." Mrs. Slogan shrugged her shoulders, and Peter looked up regretfully, and then with downcast eyes continued to pull silently at his pipe. "I jest did what I ort to 'a' done," said Mrs. Slogan. "She ort to know the truth, an' I tol' 'er." "You could 'a' gone about it in a more human way," sighed Mrs. Dawson.

And then I turned tailoress and helped her out of her trouble. I sot the sleeves in proper, and fixed the collar. She had got it sot on as a ruffle. I drawed it down smooth where it ort to be and pinned it and she went home feelin' first rate. I am very neighborly, and helpful, and am called so. Jonesville would miss me if any thing should happen. I have often helped that woman a sight.

We had a good visit talkin' about the world's work, and reciprocity, and Woman's suffrage which we both believed in and hens, both settin' and layin'. And we talked about the relation on our two sides. Of course, some of the wimmen hadn't done as we thought they ort to; but we didn't run 'em, only wuz sorry they wuz so different.

In front of you quite a little ways off on each side stood immense snow-white palaces each one on 'em seemin' more beautiful than the last one you looked at, full of sculptured beauty and with long, long rows of pearl white collumns and ornaments of all kinds. Beyond, but still as it were in the foreground, as it ort to, high up on a lofty pedestal stood the statute of Peace.

Florence Nightingale stood in the foreground good, pityin' female angel that she wuz and all round her lay sick and dyin' soldiers, and she a-doin' all she could to help 'em. This picture, showin' woman as a Healer and Consoler, is in the centre, as it ort to be.