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Unable to understand this curious transformation, he clutched the placard with feverish haste, and there, in the gray morning light, he read these fearful words: YE OTIS GHOSTE Ye Onlie True and Originale Spook, Beware of Ye Imitationes. All others are counterfeite. The whole thing flashed across him. He had been tricked, foiled, and outwitted!

The merit of this discovery belongs to Francesco Zicari, whose paper, 'Sulla scoverta dell' originale italiano da cui Milton trasse il suo poema del paradiso perduto, is printed on pages 245 to 276 in the 1845 volume of the Naples 'Album scientifico- artistico-letterario' now lying before me.

No, no, never, Miss Rose dat is not style noble; 'twill only become de petit minois of your English originale. I wash my hand of dat always." The toilette superbe mademoiselle held to be the easiest of all those which she had named with favour, it may be accomplished by any common hands; but head is requisite to reach the toilette distinguee.

Schönherr, on the other hand, regards the Jus Robins et Marion as the source of the Arcadian drama. Not only, however, did Adan de le Hale's play fail to originale any dramatic tradition in its own country, but it is itself nothing but an amplified pastourelle, a form which, in spite of marked Provençal influence, never obtained to any extent in Italy.

The full title of the work is Hadriani Beverlandi peccatum originale philogice elucubratum, a Themidis alumno. He seems to have followed Henri Cornelius Agrippa in his idea that the sin of our first parents arose from sexual desire.

Ce sejour dans des milieux si differents laissa dans son esprit une double impression qui se refleta sur toute sa vie. 'Peu de personnes, de nos jours, ont aussi bien connu que lui cette charmante et originale societe de Geneve, qui semblait dater du dix-huitieme siecle, et qui en a si longtemps conserve les traditions.

Unable to understand this curious transformation, he clutched the placard with feverish haste, and there, in the grey morning light, he read these fearful words: Ye Onlie True and Originale Spook. Beware of Ye Imitationes. All others are Counterfeite. The whole thing flashed across him. He had been tricked, foiled, and outwitted!

It was I Marie, Jules's little wife who made up ze plan, so bold, so simple, so originale, ma foi! We had been in bad circumstance a long while: I was ze French maid chez Madame Gardiné. Comprenez-vous? On ze ball-night Mademoiselle Véra was sick, but I was well. I took her ticket I wore her belle robe I went to ze ball for one dance, to meet you. My pretty romance turned your little heads.

'Qu'on l'envisage au point de vue litteraire ou au point de vue social, la figure d'Henry Reeve etait essentiellement originale, et il devait ce caractere non seulement a la nature de son esprit, mais a l'education qu'il avait recue. C'cst dans ces deux villes, dans ces deux grands centres intellectuels, que Reeve passa une partie de sa jeunesse.