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Oreille utterly rebelled at such an idea. "All right," he said; "then I shall resign my post. I am not going to the office with the kitchen umbrella." The friend interposed. "Have this one re-covered; it will not cost much." But Mme. Oreille, being in the temper that she was, said: "It will cost at least eight francs to re-cover it. Eight and eighteen are twenty-six.

She mended it with a piece of silk cut out of the old umbrella, which was of a different color, and the next day Oreille went off very humbly with the mended article in his hand. He put it into a cupboard, and thought no more of it than of some unpleasant recollection.

We all have our shams I suppose there is a sham somewhere about every individual, if we could manage to ferret it out. I would so like to go to France. I suppose our society here compares very favorably with French society does it not, Mrs. Oreille?" Mrs. O. "Not by any means, Miss Hawkins! French society is much more elegant much more so." Laura "I am sorry to hear that.

And then the scene began again, and after the storm had raged for an hour, he at last was able to explain himself. He declared that he could not understand it at all, and that it could only proceed from malice or from vengeance. A ring at the bell saved him; it was a friend whom they were expecting to dinner. Mme. Oreille submitted the case to him.

And then the scene began again, and after the storm had raged for an hour, he at last was able to explain himself. He declared that he could not understand it at all, and that it could only proceed from malice or from vengeance. A ring at the bell saved him; it was a friend whom they were expecting to dinner. Mme. Oreille submitted the case to him.

Oreille utterly rebelled at such an idea. "All right," he said; "then I shall resign my post. I am not going to the office with the kitchen umbrella." The friend interposed: "Have this one re-covered; it will not cost much." But Mme. Oreille, being in the temper that she was, said: "It will cost at least eight francs to re-cover it. Eight and eighteen are twenty-six.

I haven't quite got a gambler's faith in a hunch, or presentiment, or intuitive conclusion whatever term one chooses to apply but from the moment he spoke of seeing four riders on a ridge during that frolic of the elements, a crazy idea kept persistently turning over and over in my mind; and when Mac got that far I blurted it out for what it was worth, prefacing it with the happenings of the trip from Walsh to Pend d' Oreille.

"I've been intending to call sooner, Miss Hawkins," said the Hon. Mrs. Oreille, "but the weather's been so horrid. How do you like Washington?" Laura liked it very well indeed. Mrs. Gashly "Is it your first visit?" Yea, it was her first. All "Indeed?" Mrs. Oreille "I'm afraid you'll despise the weather, Miss Hawkins. It's perfectly awful. It always is. I tell Mr.

Oreille was continually saying to his wife: "You really might be more liberal, as we have no children, and never spend our income." "You don't know what may happen," she used to reply. "It is better to have too much than too little." She was a little woman of about forty, very active, rather hasty, wrinkled, very neat and tidy, and with a very short temper.

So he set his leg and bandaged it up, and fixed his ribs and gave him a dose of something to quiet down his excitement and put him to sleep poor thing he was trembling and frightened to death and it was pitiful to see him. We had him in my bed Mr. Oreille slept in the guest room and I laid down beside Francois but not to sleep bless you no.