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There was always the chance, we knew, that some German raider might have slipped through the cordon in the North Sea. But the terrors that were to follow the crime of the Lusitania still lay in the future. They were among the things no man could foresee. The Orduna brought us safe to the Mersey and we landed at Liverpool.

"I WAS spending the summer at Nazaret," said my friend Orduna, "a little fishermen's town near Valencia.

We stayed there but one day, and then sailed for home on the Cunarder Orduna which has since been sunk, like many another good ship, by the Hun submarines. But those were the days just before the Hun began his career of real frightfulness upon the sea and under it. Even the Hun came gradually to the height of his powers in this war.

The first use of the flag of a neutral country by a ship belonging to one of the belligerents in the Great War occurred on January 31, 1915, when the Cunard liner Orduna carried the American flag at her forepeak in journeying from Liverpool to Queenstown. She again did so on February 1, 1915, when she left the latter port for New York.

In the meantime there had been continued sinkings, or attempts to sink, in clear violation of the principles for which the President was contending. The Nebraskan, the Armenian, the Orduna, were subjected to submarine attacks. On the 19th of August the Arabic was sunk and two Americans lost.

It was not until some weeks later that he startled the world by proclaiming that every ship that dared to cross a certain zone of the sea would be sunk without warning. When we sailed upon the old Orduna we had anxieties, to be sure. The danger of striking a mine was never absent, once we neared the British coasts.