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"He's the most ungratefullest cuss I ever come up with. I was only oratin' on how proud the city ought to be of him. He fairly keeps Plattville's sportin' spirit on the gog; 'die out, wasn't for him.

"It is certainly white of you boys to go out of your way to help a perfect stranger. I have no desire to thrust my neck into a noose to further the ends of politics. One experience of the kind is quite sufficient." "Never mind oratin' no card of thanks. Just you climb up into the middle of that bronc an' we'll be hittin' the trail.

For all the money it takes to send a boy to college, he ought to get somethin' out of it more than jest fillin' his head with figgers, an' stars, an' oratin'; an' most always you can see that he does." "It is contact with cultivated people," said mother. "You are always influenced by it, without knowing it often." "Maybe you are, bein' so fine yourself," said Mrs. Freshett.

Dooley, laying down his paper, "an' that is that we still have a lot iv young an' growin' orators f'r to lead us on." "Who's been oratin' now?" Mr. Hennessy asked. "Me young frind Sinitor Beveridge, th' child orator iv Fall Creek.

They've clar'd out Yellow Bluff, an' are pourin' like Niagara down upon Rasper's Creek. It's said that they'll visit Roarin' Bull's ranch to-morrow. No time for more talk, boys. Oratin' ain't in my line.