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This Bean, when it is full ripe, is taken out of the Shells, and boiled to a Pulp, and that Pulp strain'd till it becomes like Butter; then they put some of all the Spices into it, in Powder, as, Nutmeg, Cloves, Mace, and Pepper, Garlick, and Orange-Juice, or some Mango Pickle. This being well mix'd together, makes an agreeable Sauce, when it is put in any warm Liquor. To dry Plums with Sugar.

"Now it's done, it can't be undone," he said. "But is it so very safe, after all? The stuff is not beyond analysis, unluckily; but it's much more hard to detect this way, mixed with the orange-juice, than any other way. And then there's all the horrid fuss afterward. Even if there is not an inquest as, of course, there won't be they'll ask who the girl is, what the devil she was doing here.

"Oh, it is not while beauty and youth are thine o-o-own, And thy cheek is unstained by a tear, That the fervor and faith of a soul can be kno-o-own " It grew faint. It ended in a long sigh. Then one small hand in the gentle make-believe grasp of another, she slept. Miss Royle looked sober as she sipped her orange-juice. And she cut off the top of her breakfast egg as noiselessly as possible.

BUTTERED ORANGE-JUICE. Mix the juice of seven Seville oranges with four spoonfuls of rose-water, and add the yolks of eight and the whites of four eggs well beaten. Strain the liquor on half a pound of sugar pounded, stir it over a gentle fire; and when it begins to thicken, add a piece of butter the size of a small walnut.

So I waited until Dinky-Dunk emerged. I waited, deep in thought, while he splashed like a sea-lion in his bath, and called out to Struthers almost gaily for his glass of orange-juice, and shaved, and opened and closed drawers, and finished dressing and came out in his cool-looking suit of cricketer's flannel, so immaculate and freshly-pressed that one would never dream it had been bought in England and packed in mothballs for four long years.

"But as to saying anything on horseback, who could do that?" "Why not?" "The question!" said he. "Have you not observed that when liquor is drawn from a cask wine, or bitter orange-juice to make orangeade, or even rum, which is by nature white and clear that it runs thick when the cask is shaken? It is the same with us, senor; our brain is the cask out of which we draw all the things we say."

But the orange-juice, which followed the yellow stuff, almost made up for it. He always did like orange as a color better than yellow, any day. And there was Ole Man Pumpkin again, on the dining room table, grinning, not wickedly but cheerfully.

This he had eviscerated in the good old-fashioned manner, by biting out a hole in the shoulder, inserting a lump of sugar therein, and then working it cannily till the whole soul and body of the orange passed glorified through the sugar into his being. Thereupon, filled full of orange-juice and iniquity, he conceived a deadly snare.

Wordling was not an especial favorite with her. "They made it up beautifully between them, didn't they?" the actress observed, as she squeezed orange-juice into her spoon. "What?" "That story." "Who?" "Why, that story that friendship, storm-at-sea, Equatoria story done jointly by Messrs. Cairns and Bedient." "You think they rehearsed it, then?" Kate Wilkes asked softly. "Why, of course.

When, finally, she came into the room where the breakfast-tray was laid, Linda was inexpressibly shocked all that her mother had dreaded about her appearance had come disastrously true. Her face was hung with shadows like smudges of dirt and her eyes were netted with lines. Examining the dishes with distaste she told Linda that positively she could slap her for letting them bring up orange-juice.