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All through his career, he was a consistent opportunist, using without scruple all currently admissible tools, never missing the chance of the half-loaf.

The woman voter follows, as the opportunist politicians who enfranchised her intended, the lead of her men-folk serving only a pawn in the game of politics. Under such conditions woman's suffrage kleaves things as they are, except only that it undermines the logical foundations of the law, and still further debases the standard of public efficiency and public morality.

It's been profitable playing down to its taste some day it is going to enable me to afford to be sufficiently altruistic to foot the bills for serving up the best. It costs to educate.", "Fine! And it is only a question of time until you are ready for that inspiring fray. Meanwhile, why not help foot those bills with a little side flier in 'The Web'?" "You are a little opportunist, aren't you?".

"Well, from what I've heard," he stated, "and what I've . . . seen, I should say that you are my man, O'Mara. Mr. Elliott himself has informed me that your quite spectacular success in one or two vital campaigns has been entirely due to the fact that you are an er opportunist! I agree with Mr. Elliott, absolutely that is, if my first premise is correct." And his laughter rumbled softly.

I am a wretched old opportunist, of course; a sort of Ally Sloper not fit company for strong and concise young men!" I do not remember what led to this remark of Father Payne's: "It's a painful fact, from the ethical point of view, that qualities are more admired, and more beautiful indeed, the more instinctive they are. We don't admire the faculty of taking pains very much.

He was an opportunist with all the quickness of one who must live by his wits among others existing on the same uncertain fare. He saw her flush, and again he hesitated as a wayfarer may hesitate when he finds an easy road where he had expected to climb a hill. What was the meaning of it? he seemed to ask himself. "Charles does not interest you so much as he interests your sister?" he suggested.

Fouché, who now wriggled back into favour and office, appealed to the Senate, only seven days after the execution, to establish hereditary power as the only means of ending the plots against Napoleon's life; for, as the opportunist Jacobins argued, if the hereditary system were adopted, conspiracies to murder would be meaningless, when, even if they struck down one man, they must fail to shatter the system that guaranteed the Revolution.

He was bent at last upon the conquest of Camerino, and, ever an opportunist, he had seized the moment when Florence, which might have been disposed to befriend Varano, Tyrant of Camerino, was over-busy with her own affairs.

It meant a real Victorian talent; that of exploding unexpectedly and almost, as it seemed, unintentionally. This is the last essential of the Victorian. Laugh at him as a limited man, a moralist, conventionalist, an opportunist, a formalist. But remember also that he was really a humorist; and may still be laughing at you.

Joe Mauser hesitated, then finished it off. "Max, there have been few societies that man has evolved that didn't allow in some manner for the competent or sly, the intelligent or the opportunist, the brave or the strong, to work his way to the top. I don't know which of these I personally fit into, but I rebel against remaining in the lower categories of a stratified society.