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With the advent of the ophthalmoscope, for instance, how innumerable and complicated appear the diseases of the eye.

I have an idea of what is wrong, but I cannot diagnose exactly until I can use the ophthalmoscope. His words gave Stephen confidence. Laying her hand on his arm unconsciously in the extremity of pity she said earnestly: 'Oh, do what you can for him. He must be a noble creature; and all that is possible must be done.

Through it at length he seemed to hear the calm voice: 'At first I could not be sure of my surmise, for when I used the ophthalmoscope your suffering was too recent to disclose the cause I looked for. Now I am fairly sure of it.

One great man, an eye specialist, went so far as to say that it is impossible, that the red light in the eye was not seen by my informants but only imagined. The ophthalmoscope, he said, will show you the crimson at the back of the eye, but the colour is not and cannot be reflected on the surface of the iris.

Choroiditis and retinitis may also occur, and leave permanent changes easily recognised on examination with the ophthalmoscope. Among the rarer and more serious lesions of the inherited disease may be mentioned gummatous disease in the larynx and trachea, attended with ulceration and resulting in stenosis; and lesions of the nervous system which may result in convulsions, paralysis, or dementia.

We are familiar with the effect when polished and wet surfaces, such as glass, stone, and water, shine crimson in the light of a setting sun; but there is also the fact, which is not well known, that the eye may show its own hidden red the crimson colour which is at the back of the retina and which is commonly supposed to be seen only with the ophthalmoscope.

And the most powerful factor in this development, its indispensable basis, in fact, has been the invention of instruments of precision the microscope, the fever thermometer, the stethoscope, the ophthalmoscope, the test-tube, the culture medium, the triumphs of the bacteriologist and of the chemist.

He was dressing in the eye-department during the summer session, and he had bought an ophthalmoscope off a student who had one to sell. He had not paid for this, but he lacked the courage to tell the student that he wanted to go back on his bargain. Also he had to buy certain books. He had about five pounds to go on with.

The ophthalmoscope is a very useful instrument for determining the condition of the different structures of the eyes, when in the hands of persons who are trained in its use. CONJUNCTIVITIS. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball. The two forms of conjunctivitis common in domestic animals are the catarrhal and purulent.

You may think that this is all very well to talk about, but that it bears little agreement to the real conditions. Let me tell you that you are mistaken. Go ask Röntgen why he did not keep the X-rays a secret to be exploited for his own personal gain. Ask the shade of the great Helmholtz why he did not patent the ophthalmoscope.