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But here were real cowboys in the flesh: Open-throated, bronzed man, free and unrestrained as the air they breathed men whose very appearance called to mind boundless open spaces, purple sage, blue mountains, and herds of bellowing cattle.

The English boys, open-throated, swelled the peal. But their cheering broke off as they came near, and saw the mask-like face over which Herb bent. "Is he gone, poor fellow?" asked Garst. "What do you suppose caused it the slide?" "Why, it was a thundering big lump of granite from the top o' the mountain," answered Herb, replying to the second question.

A tall and muscular young fellow with open-throated shirt and stalwart, hirsute chest, swaggered toward him, fingering rather carelessly, it seemed to Shillaber, the musket he held. "Lookin' for somebody, stranger?" he inquired, meaningly. Shillaber, somewhat taken aback, inquired by what right the members of this colony held possession.

It was like some bird's call, but I know of no bird's with which to get a close comparison. It had the soft quality, soft yet piercing, of a redshank's, but it shuddered like an owl's. And she held it on as an owl does. But it was very musical, soft and open-throated, and carried far.

A very little of the dancing I got now was delight enough for me, and, deadly sick, I besought to be taken home again, when the matronly Brinhilda at the cottage received me with open-throated peals of laughter, and then made me sit down till I had conquered my qualms and was able to walk back to Edinburgh.

Each day she read the little lines of the doings of men; unnamed adventurers whose deeds were virile deeds; rough men, from whose contaminating touch society gathers up her silken skirts and passes by upon the other side; unlovely men, rolled-sleeved and open-throated, deep-seamed of face, and richly weather-tanned of arm, who tread roughshod the laws of little right and wrong; who drink red liquor and swear lurid oaths and loud; but who, shoulder to shoulder, redden the gutters of Singapore with their hearts' blood in the snatching of a young girl from danger.

Are we to suppose that a man who could live in intimate commerce with fourteen such gracious ladies as he has set there, ranged on their carved sedilia his Britomart trim and debonnair; his willowy Carita; his wimpled matron in clean white who masquerades as I know not what branch of theology; his pretty girlish Geometry of coiled and braided hair and the yet unloosed girdle of demure virginity; his maid Musica crowned with roses, and Logica, the bold-eyed and open-throated wench, hand to hip is this the man for sententiousness?

"Skeezics, don't be so strenuous!" he commanded, once; and Johnny was really nervous: "It's too hot for you, Buster." "Too hot for your grandmother!" Edith said bare-armed, open-throated, her creamy neck reddening with sunburn. Toward noon, Maurice's chaperon, toiling out across the hot stubble to watch him, called from under an umbrella, "Edith! You'll get freckled."

As soon as he had donned his dressing-gown and come into the sitting-room, he swallowed a cup of coffee that was waiting for him, and then, to make sure that unholy hours and cigarettes had not hurt his voice, he dabbed a note on the piano, and began to practise, in the open-throated Italian fashion, those vocalises which sound so strangely to the uninstructed ear. He rang for breakfast.