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"Si" repeated Ithuel, with emphasis, as soon as he heard his nationality thus alluded to, and found all eyes on himself "Si, oon Americano I'm not ashamed of my country; and if you're any way partic'lar in such matters, I come from New Hampshire or, what we call the Granite state. Tell 'em this, Philip-o, and let me know their idees, in answer."

Who ever heah he name 'fo' he come heah an' buy de place, an' move in de overseer house, an' charge we all eight hundred dollars for dis land, jes 'cause it got little piece o' bottom on it, an' forty-eight dollars rent besides, wid he ole stingy wife whar oon' even gi' 'way buttermilk!" An expression of mingled disgust and contempt concluded the reflection.

The word is ponton in French, and comes from the Latin pons, "a bridge." Most words of this sort in French ending in on take the ending oon in English. Thus ballon in French becomes balloon in English. Barracks also comes from the French baraque, and the French had it from the Spanish or Italian barraca or baraca; but no one knows whence these languages got the word.

"Yes, my feller-citizens and ladies of de other sex in general, I has principles, I'm proud to 'oon 'em, they 's perquisite to dese yer times, and ter all times.

It grew dark, too; and, finally, not having had any reply to my telegram to General Woon, we did not know whether we were expected or not. Sabz Ali, however, had no doubts on the matter. We were approaching his own particular country, and whether "Gen'l 'Oon Sahib" was there to entertain us or not, he was; and so it was "alright."

Votr dress ay bokoo dress. Donney mwa oon kiss? Zhe voo zame! Early in the war the Kaiser was haled before a Virginia court.

Toto tiquiti tiquiti ic ontlantiuh tocotico tocoti toto titiqui toto titiquiti. Toto tiquiti tiquiti, then it ends tocotico, tocoti toto titiqui toto titiquiti. Oya moquetz huel oon ma on netotilo teteuctin aya ma onnetlanehuihuilo chalchihuitl on quetzali patlahuac, ayac ichan tlalticpac, ayio zan nomac onmania ooo y xochiuh aya ipalnemoa ma onnetlanehuilo chalchihuitl.

"I can do all work of cook and bearer. I wish that you will happy on me, also your lady, and say to General 'Oon Sahib that this man is good and honest man. "I have servant to many Sahib. "I have more certificate. "You are rich man and king. I am poor man. I will take two annas allowance per day in Cashmir, you will do who you wish. "I wish that you and lady will happy on me.

Then I will write it on my book, from which you will see it is right or wrong. Now I am going to Cashmir with you and Cashmiree are thief. "If you will give me one man other it will usefull to you. I ask one cloth. All Sahib give cloth to Servant on going to Cashmir. "If will give cloth then all men say that this Sahib is good. I am fear from General 'Oon Sahib. It is order to give cloth.

When the morning sunlight warms his lips they part a little, and he giveth utterance to the words "Oon Oom," and the language is long since dead in which he speaks, and all his worshippers are gathered to their tombs, so that none knoweth what the words portend that he uttereth at dawn.