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"'What, said she, and she raised herself up off ob de pillar, and she larfed, and rolled ober and ober, and tosticated about almost in a conniption fit, 'you old goose, said she, 'you onaccountable fool, and den she larfed and rolled ober agin, I tought she would a tumbled off on de floor, 'do go way; you is too foolish to talk to, but turn my pillar again.

"Wal, I all'as churn my butter Friday mornin', come hail, come wind: so I gits up an' 'twas kind o' dark yit an' in I pours the pail o' cream an' begins to churn, an' thinks I, 'This spatters onaccountable this mornin', an' took off the cover to see what the ructions was!

No, no, Captain Gar'ner; this fellow is bound south as well as ourselves, and it is quite onaccountable how he should be just where he is so far to windward, or so far to leeward, as a body might say. A south-south-east course, from any place behind Point Judith, would have taken him off near No Man's Land, and here he is almost in a line with Blok Island!"

"What is your opinion, Peter?" continued le Bourdon. "You understand the wilderness, and its ways. To what is this extr'or'nary call owing? Why have we been brought here, at this hour?" "Somebody blow horn, most likely," answered Peter, in his unmoved, philosophical manner. "'Spose don't know; den can't tell. Warrior often hear 'larm on war-path." "This is an onaccountable thing!

"This is a distressing affair, captain Willoughby," observed Joel, in his most jesuitical manner; "and to me it is altogether onaccountable! "Quite true. Strides," answered the confiding captain, "though these deserters are not altogether as bad as you represent, since, you will remember, they have carried their wives and children with them."

"Now, Deerslayer, this is one of your Delaware pretensions, for hang me if I see anything but these trees, which do seem to start up around us in a most onaccountable and perplexing manner." "Look this a way, Hurry here, in a line with the black oak-don't you see the crooked sapling that is hooked up in the branches of the bass-wood, near it?

But never mind, just now; you have forgotten to tell us by what means you are here." "I! Oh! That's not very onaccountable, if I am myself, Judith. I'm out on furlough." "Furlough! That word has a meaning among the soldiers that I understand; but I cannot tell what it signifies when used by a prisoner." "It means just the same.

"There's an onaccountable grist on 'em" Gershom was never very particular in his figures of speech, usually terming anything in quantities a'grist"; and meaning in the present instance by "onaccountable," a number not to be counted "an onaccountable grist on 'em, I can tell you, and if you mean to charge upon sich enemies, you must look out for somebody besides Whiskey Centre for your vanguard.

"Why, Captain Rule, I know you think so and say so but I set down all these matters as somewhat various and onaccountable." "Have I not often landed on the enemy's coast solely to see her and to be near her?" By this time Ithuel, who was a little puzzled at first to understand what it all meant, had got his cue, and no witness could have acquitted himself better than he did from that moment.

My fathers went to that region in times long gone by to uphold their religious idees. The whole country thereabouts sets onaccountable store by their religious privileges." "Do you know the prisoner, Ithuel Bolt the person who is called Raoul Yvard?" Ithuel was a little at a loss exactly how to answer this question.