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He had died, they afterwards said, of failure of the heart's action. "'Dead, I murmured mechanically.... "'Then everything was very uncomfortable. But I saved a good sum of money, and I sent most of the valuable things to Paris to be sold no living soul coming forward to make any claims. Ombos left everything to me ... bonds, securities, and all.

She smiled at me wanly. "'The only other home I've known was with foster-parents in Paris when I was quite a child, she said. 'I was brought here straight from a convent school in Brussels. Ombos was my guardian. He' she hesitated, shivering 'I don't think he was quite sane, but he was always very kind to me.

Well-seasoned Nile-travellers confirm our experience; and as we had rowed and floated within a calculated time from Assouan to Ombos, and from Ombos to Silsilis, so did we proceed to Edfou, and to the stations beyond, with few exceptions of obstinately adverse weather.

Kom Ombos and Edfu, the two houses of the lovers and haters of crocodiles, or at least of the lovers and the haters of their worship, I shall always think of them together, because I drifted on the Loulia from one to the other, and saw no interesting temple between them and because their personalities are as opposed as were, centuries ago, the tenets of those who adored within them.

I heard the hiss of a quick indrawn breath at last ... it was my own breathing.... I opened my eyes. "I was in the small room where I had taken tea with Ombos and Margot some weeks before. Supper was laid on a superb octagon table. 'They were good tricks, were they not? said Ombos, with an easy laugh. His keen eyes smote keen into mine.

"It was Margot! "The girl glanced up at me, a look that set my heart throbbing. It was my first real sight of her since I had seen her that afternoon with Ombos. I had thought her pretty then, but there is a distinct gap between a pretty woman and a lovely woman, and she was as beautiful as a Greek marble.

Will you do me the honour of taking tea with me? he said, leading me through a door in a recess and a wilderness of corridors to a small room, where a charming French girl presided over a steaming tea-pot of massive silver. "'This is Captain Crabbe, said Ombos introducing me to her. He turned to me. 'This is Margot, my niece, he said with a smile.

Nevertheless, I know that Price did not die by any human agency. It is too ghastly; I can still see that green shadow hovering above his body on the couch. The huge shadow, the Elemental, the spirit of Ombos whatever you like to call it was there in that room with Price. It was there in a form that could be seen and felt.

"I won't waste time in trying to tell you what my thoughts and sensations were. Rather I will tell you instead, what I did. "It was some minutes later, and already we had started to walk slowly back in the direction of the Rue Bar-le-Duc. "'And now you want to know she said. "'Yes that's it what's become of Ombos ... and the bronze statue?

"I have endeavoured to give you the facts of my strange story up to this point, without omission or exaggeration. I have been careful not to miss out the slightest items. If I have failed, it must not be put down to forgetfulness: for I do not think there is a single thing about old Ombos that has not been permanently fixed in my mind.