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His happy death gave great consolation to the holy man; but the apostolic labours of Francis Perez and Roch Oliveira increased his joy. He had sent them the year before to Malacca, there to found a college of the Society, according to the desire of the people, and they had been very well received.

This "leat" was left incomplete, the terminus being three miles from St. Paul's; the Governor-General Jose de Oliveira Barbosa, attempted to restore it, but was prevented by considerations of cost. Calumbo must be a gruesome place to all except its natives. Whilst Loanda has improved in climate since Captain Owen's day , this has become deadly as Rome in 1873.

EXPLORATION AND COLONIZATION COUNTRY BY COUNTRY. Portugal: C. R. Beazley, Prince Henry the Navigator in "Heroes of the Nation," Series ; J. P. Oliveira Martins, The Golden Age of Prince Henry the Navigator, trans. with notes and additions by J. J. Abraham and W. E. Reynolds ; K. G. Jayne, Vasco da Gama and his Successors, 1460- 1580 ; H. M. Stephens, Portugal , a brief sketch in the "Story of the Nations" Series; F. C. Danvers, The Portuguese In India, 2 vols. , a thorough and scholarly work; H. M. Stephens, Albuquerque and the Portuguese Settlements in India , in "Rulers of India" Series; Angel Marvaud, Le Portugal et ses colonies ; G. M. Theal, History and Ethnography of Africa South of the Zambesi, Vol.

"Colonel von Wittman, born at Jena in 1855. Died at Ahaggar, May 1, 1896.... Colonel Wittman, the explorer of Kanem, who disappeared off Agadès." "Exactly," said M. Le Mesge again. "Number 50," I read in my turn, steadying myself against the wall, so as not to fall. "Marquis Alonzo d'Oliveira, born at Cadiz, February 21, 1868. Died at Ahaggar, February 1, 1896. Oliveira, who was going to Araouan."

Yet a good deal has survived, either because it was hidden away as at Guimarães or at Coimbra where it is said to have been only found lately or because, as at Evora, it lay apart from the course of this famous plunderer. The richest treasuries at the present day are those of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira at Guimarães, and of the Sés at Braga, at Coimbra, and at Evora.

Doubtless when settlement is sufficiently advanced a remedy will be developed. The geology of this neighborhood was interesting Oliveira found fossil tree-trunks which he believed to be of cretaceous age.

Senor Chrysostomo had, at this time, 200 of the Japura Indians in his employ. He was half Indian himself, but was a far worse master to the redskins than the whites usually are. We finished our rounds by paying our respects to a venerable native merchant, Senor Romao de Oliveira, a tall, corpulent, fine-looking old man, who received us with a naive courtesy quite original in its way.

Along this part of our march there was much of what at a hasty glance seemed to be volcanic rock; but Oliveira showed me that it was a kind of conglomerate, with bubbles or hollows in it, made of sand and iron- bearing earth. He said it was a superficial quaternary deposit formed by erosion from the cretaceous rocks, and that there were here no tertiary deposits.

Perez had begun to open a public school, for the instruction of the youth in learning and piety, according to the spirit of their institute. Oliveira had wholly given himself to the ministry of preaching, and the conduct of souls; but tying himself more especially to the care of Turks and Jews, of which there was always a vast concourse in the town.

Through its almost impenetrable veil, bodies of men had been seen moving into the castle, and the tramp of cavalry had been distinctly heard, and the troops of Romero, Vargas, Oliveira, and Valdez had already arrived from Lier, Breda, Maestricht, and from the forts on the Scheld. The whole available force in the city was mustered without delay.