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Descending, like most of the leading families of the South, from Olild, the Clan Dalgais had long been excluded from the throne of Cashel, by successive coalitions of their elder brethren, the Eugenians.

In the ninth century the competition among the Eugenian houses of which too many were of too nearly equal strength seems to have suggested a new expedient, with the view of permanently setting aside the will of Olild.

In the ninth century the competition among the Eugenian houses of which too many were of too nearly equal strength seems to have suggested a new expedient, with the view of permanently setting aside the will of Olild.

It was Tuathal who imposed the special tax on Leinster, of which, we shall often hear under the title of Borooa, or Tribute. Olild, a brave and able Prince, succeeded in time to the southern half-kingdom, and planted his own kindred deep and firm in its soil, though the unity of the monarchy was again restored under Cormac Ulla, or Longbeard.

This kingship of Cashel, according to the Munster law of succession, "the will of Olild," ought to have alternated regularly between the descendants of his sons, Eugene More and Cormac Cas the Eugenians and Dalcassians.

Descending, like most of the leading families of the South, from Olild, the Clan Dalgais had long been excluded from the throne of Cashel, by successive coalitions of their elder brethren, the Eugenians.

It was Tuathal who imposed the special tax on Leinster, of which, we shall often hear under the title of Borooa, or Tribute. Olild, a brave and able Prince, succeeded in time to the southern half-kingdom, and planted his own kindred deep and firm in its soil, though the unity of the monarchy was again restored under Cormac Ulla, or Longbeard.

This kingship of Cashel, according to the Munster law of succession, "the will of Olild," ought to have alternated regularly between the descendants of his sons, Eugene More and Cormac Cas the Eugenians and Dalcassians.