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"I dare not think, sir," Jack said, "that it is concerned in the matter." "I fear, my young friend, that it is concerned, and seriously. When you left us in Russia, Olga announced to her mother that she intended to marry you some day, if you ever came back to ask her.

Another shriek followed it, and yet another; and then came a dreadful, sobbing utterance in which words and moans were terribly mingled. Olga caught at her self-control, as it were, with both hands, and went swiftly back to the table. Violet was on her feet. She had wrenched herself free, and was wildly pointing. "No! No! No!" she cried. "Take him away!" Mortal terror was in her starting eyes.

As a child she had known him before his marriage, though she had seen nothing of him since. There was something in the quiet strength of the man that appealed to her. He gave her confidence. "Well, Olga," he said, "how do you like India?" They stood together by the fretted marble balustrade, looking down upon the illuminated gardens that stretched away dim and mysterious into the night.

"You would simply fall a prey to the first ogre who came along." Olga elevated her chin slightly. "That shows how much you know about me." "I know a great deal," said Noel, with an ardent glance. "And that's what makes me want to know much more. You know, you're horribly tantalizing, if you will allow me to say so." "In what way?"

"It's rather a hole of a place, though I liked The Warren well enough. I'm not going back there. You can tell Olga so with my love." "She and Nick are dining here to-night," observed Daisy, "so you will be able to tell her yourself." "What! To meet me!" It was Hunt-Goring's turn to look surprised. He did so with an accompanying sneer. "How did you describe me, I wonder?

I'd sooner die than have him attend me." "Would you?" said Olga. "But why? He's very clever." "That's just it. He's too clever to have any imagination. He would be quite unscrupulous, quite merciless, and utterly without sympathy. Can't you picture him making you endure any amount of torture just to enable him to say he had cured you? Oh yes, he's diabolically clever, but he is cruel too.

In his warning he had spoken rather more seriously than he felt the occasion demanded, but he began at last to wonder if the occasion was not in reality very serious, indeed. He was sure, of course, that Olga Nilssen had come here on this evening to annoy Captain Stewart in some fashion.

But this young Rajah is anxious to get things straightened out, and the Commissioner wants a report made and so on. Altogether," Nick paused with a smile on his yellow face, "they were very persuasive," he said. "Nick! You're going!" Olga exclaimed. He laughed. "If you want my impartial opinion as to that," he said, "I believe I am." She drew a deep breath. Her eyes were shining.

He had gone upstairs to the storeroom for Olga's trunk to the very room in which Janice had last seen the treasure-box. It might be that the driver was the person guilty of taking the box. Olga might know nothing about it. Yet her disappearance without informing her friends of her intention to leave Greensboro looked suspicious. Mr. Day had to search further. He had two other persons to discover.