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The business of refining is generally in the hands of others than the producers; but some of the larger firms notably the Rothschilds, Nobel Brothers, and Taghioff are both producers and refiners. This means of course, the employment of very, much larger capital. There is a great dash of the gambling element in the oil-well business at Baku.

Keith he could see that the man's health was indeed fast waning. Wasting little time in preliminaries, the object of the visit was told and Tom showed the passport photograph of Dixwell Hardley. "Is that the man who cheated you on the oil-well deal?" asked the young inventor. "I won't admit he has yet cheated me, but he is trying to!" exclaimed Mr.

After many hardships in life, which Mr. Keith related in some detail to Tom, the oil-well prospector at last fell in with Dixwell Hardley. Then followed the combination of interests. "We are actually partners," declared Mr. Keith. "I agreed to do the work, and he agreed to furnish the money. I must say this for him, that he kept to that end of the bargain.

The last time he had heard Vanne's whistle was a night five years before, when they both joined a gang of river-drivers, and made a raid on some sham American speculators and surveyors and labourers, who were exploiting an oil-well on the property of the old seigneur. The two had come out of the melee with bruised heads, and Vanne with a bullet in his calf.

He spent a large part of the morning in trying to prove to a customer that even a Teal car, best at the test, would not give perfect service if the customer persisted in forgetting to fill the oil-well, the grease-cups, and the battery. At three minutes after twelve Milt left the garage to go to dinner. The fog of the morning had turned to rain. McGolwey was not at the Old Home.

I don't want to promise too much, but I think I begin to see how matters lie. There, he's rousing. Speak to him, Mary." Mr. Keith opened his eyes, and smiled at his niece. "Did I dream it," he asked in a low voice, "or was there some young man with you, Mary, my dear, to whom I was telling my troubles about the oil-well papers?" "You didn't dream it, Uncle," Mary answered.

A lofty oil-well derrick surmounts the edge of the terrace a hundred yards below our camp. The bushes and the ground round about the well are black and slimy with crude petroleum, that has escaped during the boring process, and the air is heavy with its odor.

Harkless threw his head back and laughed; it was the first time Meredith had heard him laugh since the night of the dance in the country. "Honest! A man in the pay of Rodney McCune! Well, we can let it wait till we get there. Listen! There's the whistle that means we're getting near home. By heaven, there's an oil-well!" "So it is." "And another three five seven seven in sight at once!

She forgot that, before breakfast, Milt had filled the oil-well for her. When she stopped for gasoline, and the seller inquired, "Quart of oil?" she absently nodded. So the cylinders filled with surplus oil, the spark-plugs were fouled, and the engine had the power of a sewing machine. She could not make Mount Washburn she could not make even the slopes of the lower road.

This lad, however trustworthy he may be, would scarcely even be allowed to work for a man like Geoffrey Saxton. It may be that later, with college " "No. He'd work for Jeff two hours. Then Jeff would give him that 'You poor fish! look, and Milt would hit him, and stroll out, and go to the North Pole or some place, and discover an oil-well, and hire Jeff as his nice, efficient general manager.