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Janet, protesting mildly against putting him to so much trouble, accepted the offer. "That's the best thing for us to do," he said. So it was decided; and when breakfast was over and the hieroglyphic oil-coat had been stowed under the seat of the buggy, Janet's horse got the word to go.

Even the perpetual ocean swell seemed to have lost much of its force. "I'll row!" volunteered Percy. He stripped off his oil-coat and sweater and rolled up his shirt-sleeves. "It'll be hot up in the granite quarries to-day, hey, Filippo? S'pose you're sorry not to be there?"

Not finding what he was looking for, and being evidently at a loss, he cast his eyes about on the vacant ground. Presently his eye lit on Janet's yellow oil-coat. He reached out and took it, and having folded it somewhat like a cushion, so that its back presented a smooth surface, he again made search of his various pockets.

"That won't do," said Spurling. Producing a coil of line, he took three or four turns round Percy's waist, and lashed him fast to the bails. He did the same for himself. "Guess we'll stick on now," he remarked. "Where did you get that rope?" asked Percy. "It's all that's left of the ground-line. Thought it might come in handy, so I jammed it inside my oil-coat before I jumped.

For he felt very weak and faint and weary, though the cold rain and the open night air beat on his upturned face with a sting that was gratefully refreshing. "They certainly did make a mess o' you!" chortled the unmoved driver, as they rumbled westward and took the corner with a skid of the great wheels that struck fire from even the wet car-tracks. He tucked the bill down in his oil-coat pocket.

She curled up in her yellow oil-coat and slumbered through the night, while he pulled easily on the oars not that he had full faith in her navigation, but to keep himself warm.

Hasty plans and eager advice were proposed and given. Then the smart young fisherman suddenly sprang forward, and threw off his oil-coat and sou'-wester. "Here! hold on!" he cried, catching up the end of the rocket line, and fastening it round his waist, while he kicked off his heavy boots. "You can't do it, Bill," cried some. "Too far to swim," cried others.