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I will not unless a spring-time madness drives me to it to-day I will not go with you. "As for the other solution you offer, deceiving the world as to your purposes, to go far away upon some wild mission, and to die! "Ah, no, you must not cheat the world so; you must not cheat yourself so! And how cruel it would be to me!

The one reason she had dreaded he might offer to himself had evidently never entered his head. Whatever guesses he might have made on the subject, he was plainly guiltless of thinking she might have come with him because she was in love with him. "No, I can't think of any other reason, if the one you gave isn't the right one." "Quite sure?" "Quite sure, pardner." "Think!

The pretensions of the proud man are oftener treated with sneer and contempt, than with indignation; as we offer ridiculously too little to a tradesman, who asks ridiculously too much for his goods; but we do not haggle with one who only asks a just and reasonable price. Abject flattery and indiscriminate assentation degrade as much as indiscriminate contradiction and noisy debate disgust.

Every day Maroney broached the subject, but White always had some objections to offer, and Maroney finally abandoned the project in disgust. There is no doubt but that Eldridge street jail at the time could have been easily opened. Little by little Maroney sought to place more confidence in White, but found his advances always repelled.

If, as Miss Todd assured her, Sir Lionel were really in difficulties, her own present annuity all that she could absolutely call her own her one hundred and eighty-nine pounds, seventeen shillings and threepence per annum would not help them much. Sir Lionel was at any rate disinterested in his offer; that at least was clear to her. And then a sudden light broke in upon her meditations.

But when you are in a foreign place, no matter how much you have travelled and how well you know that it will not offer soon again, you reject the most smiling chance because you think you can take it any time. The morning was soft and warm, with a sun shining amiably on the rather commonplace old town.

In my own name and that of my partners, I offer to reinstate you in your former position, but with enlarged powers. It has always been my endeavour, as you are well aware, to reward merit and to treat those in our employment with generosity and consideration. You will be glad, I am sure, to embrace this opportunity of repaying, in some small measure, your debt towards me and mine."

But first let me remind you, he went on proudly, 'that the affair has another side. On the one hand I offer you such employment, M. de Marsac, as should satisfy your highest ambition.

A bear's skin was placed always within her reach, so that if she were cold she could draw it over her. Jacqueline, not being accustomed to these Polish fashions, did not seem to be much attracted by the offer of the sofa. She blamed herself bitterly for her own folly in having got herself into a scrape which might lead to serious consequences.

I will never give it up. But I made them a promise, and I will keep it. I told them that if you preferred Lord Lovel to me, I would at once make you free of your promise, that I would offer to you such freedom, if it would be freedom. I do offer it to you; or rather, Anna, I would have offered it, had you not already answered the question. How can I offer it now?"