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She was a little ashamed of having condescended to lose her temper, and when the curate went up to her, said, with an attempt at gaiety: "Is your odd little friend, as you call him, all ?" And she tapped her lace-cap carefully with her finger. "Rather more so than most people," answered Wingfold. "He is a very remarkable man."

Having found myself rather worse, these two or three last days, I was obliged to take some ipecacuanha last night; and, what you will think odd, for a vomit, I brought it all up again in about an hour, to my great satisfaction and emolument, which is seldom the case in restitutions.

Alden kept complete silence as he sat down, crossed one leg over the other and began to study the complex apparatus before him. Most of it was familiar; but some new factors needed inspection. The Master peered curiously at him. Surely, this man was odd, unusual.

I shall think of nothing else." "Mercy me, think of SOMETHIN' else, please! Think of yourself when you're goin' across those Boston streets or you'll be run over. I declare, I don't know as I ought to let you go." "Oh, I shall be quite safe, quite. But, really," he added, with a puzzled smile, "I can't tell you how odd this seems.

"It is all I have: and I believe there is not another shilling in the house. I told you we have no money." "And you?" said he, turning to Maria. "I have not my purse about me; and if I had there is nothing in it worth your taking. I assure you I have not got my purse. I am only a visitor here for this one night and an odd night it is to have chosen, as it turns out." "Give me your watches."

He sighed for a book, but there was none, so he lay staring off over the valley below. Twenty minutes later Harry, after trying vainly to take a nap on a cot in the tent, followed his chum outside. "Odd, isn't it, Tom?" questioned Hazelton. "We're living what looks like a wholly free life.

I was always prepared for that. Coke told me about Bulmer warned me off, so to speak. I forgot his claims at odd times, just for a minute or so, but he is a real bugbear a sort of matrimonial bogey-man. If all goes well, and we enter Pernambuco without being fired at, you will be handed over to the British Consul, and he will send a rousing telegram about you to England.

"Nevertheless, sire, it is an odd method of giving charity," said Chicot, who divined some hidden mystery. "What would you do?" "Instead of cutting the gold, I would give one piece between two." "They would fight, and I should do harm instead of good." Henry then took one of the pieces, and, placing himself before the first beggar, looked at him inquiringly. "Agen," said the man.

In the fields the peasants were gathering in their stores for the winter; the women pass along the road constantly with their odd panniers upon their backs, full of treasures. Sometimes they are filled with fruit and vegetables and again it is only grass for the cattle or faggots for the fire.

The young man replied before Allbright opened his mouth. "He's gone on a vacation," he said. "Queer time of year for a vacation," snapped the man, who was long and lean and full of nervous vibrations. "He was overworked," said Harrison Day. "Guess he overworked cheating me out of two thousand odd dollars," said the man, and both the others turned and stared at him. Then Allbright spoke.