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Sleeping-Car Porter. #"France, Anatole." *Lady With the White Fan. By the Sea. Empty House. Kennel. Maniac. Son of His Father. Old Fisherwoman. False Esther. *Bibliomaniac. Ocarina. *Wild Squire. *Crumbled Blossoms. Portal of Heaven. Piet

Aesop," it was resonant with a very clatter-bodandigo of noises, from Phyllis playing the Machiche; from the boy Jock on the hearthrug, emitting at short intervals the most piercing notes from an ocarina; from Mrs. Larne on the sofa, talking with her trailing volubility to Bob Pillin; from Bob Pillin muttering: "Ye-es! Qui-ite! Ye-es!" and gazing at Phyllis over his collar.

"Dear Frederica, Dick will leave all religious things to you, I know " warbled Lady Isabel, in her gentle, musical voice, that suggested something between the tones of a wood pigeon and an ocarina. "And they couldn't be in better hands!" "But my dear Isabel, that is precisely what I complain of!

Byrd is going to paint me as something without a soul I think I will dance," she cryptically vouchsafed. "Shall I play?" offered Constance, delighted. Miss Berber turned to the languid musician. "Have you your ocarina, Marchmont?" she breathed. "I always carry it, Felicity," he replied, with a reproachful look, drawing from his pocket what appeared to be a somewhat contorted meerschaum pipe.

Phyllis, come and talk to Guardy!" When the girl was installed beside him on the sofa, and he had felt that little thrill of warmth the proximity of youth can bring, he said: "Been a good girl?" She shook her head. "Can't, when Jock's not at school. Mother can't pay for him this term." Hearing his name, the boy Jock blew his ocarina till Mrs.

Music, it seems, was one of his chief delights at school, he played the violin really well; but while he loved that king of instruments, he would stoop to baser, and oft delight his contemporaries, holding them entranced, by spirited performances on the mouth organ and the ocarina. With no close friend Baden-Powell was a boy without an enemy, and his popularity may be seen in many ways.

Jock, come here!" The innocent boy approached; with his girlish complexion, his flowery blue eyes, his perfect mouth, he stood before his mother like a large cherub. And suddenly he blew his ocarina in a dreadful manner. Mrs. Larne launched a box at his ears, and receiving the wind of it he fell prone. "That's the way he behaves. Be off with you, you awful boy. I want to talk to Guardy."

"Ma'am, you have been gravely misinformed." She jumped in terror. "Oh!... Can it be?... Colonel, I do so beg you to forgive me! Let me assure you that neither the Mayor nor myself will ever again repeat the story." "Ma'am, if you do ..." "But I promise, never ..." "Ma'am, if you never do, at least remember that the flute was an ocarina."

On the 11th September 1876 Baden-Powell joined the 13th Hussars in India, and one of his first acts was to take from his baggage an ocarina, and having assembled all the European children he could find in the station, to march at their head through the streets of Lucknow, playing with great feeling, which suffered, however, a little from his all-comprehensive grin, "The Girl I Left Behind Me."