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It would seem that the brilliant Frenchman touched the root of the matter. Ought women to learn the alphabet? There the whole question lies. Concede this little fulcrum, and Archimedea will move the world before she has done with it: it becomes merely a question of time. Resistance must be made here or nowhere. Obsta principiis. Woman must be a subject or an equal: there is no middle ground.

"Quite right: the bishop is perfectly right. Processions are unscriptural." "It's the thin end of the wedge, you know, Dixon." "Exactly. I have always resisted anything of the kind here." "Right. Principiis obsta, you know. Martin is so imprudent. There's a way of doing things."

Principiis obsta that's my rule." Such was my speech, and I have always acted up to it; so if that is not being virtuous, I should be glad to know what is. But now about the dinner and the club.

"But do consider," said la Peyrade. "Certainly in journalism, as in candidacy, a hot temper has its uses; a man makes himself respected, and stops attacks " "Just so," said Thuillier, "'principiis obsta. Not to-day, because we haven't the time, but to-morrow I shall carry that paper into court." "Into court!" echoed la Peyrade; "you surely wouldn't go to law in such a matter as this?

Fullerton and the Medium, were as follows: "You must not expect that I can satisfy you beyond all doubt in so short a time as you have yet had. I want to give you all in my power, and will do so if you will give me a chance. You must commence right in the first place or you shall all be disappointed for a much longer time. Princiipis Obsta Sero Medicina Paratum. Henry Seybert.

Principiis obsta this maxim dutifully followed would preserve us from almost all our catastrophes. We will have no other master but our caprice that is to say, our evil self will have no God, and the foundation of our nature is seditious, impious, insolent, refractory, opposed to, and contemptuous of all that tries to rule it, and therefore contrary to order, ungovernable and negative.

Mr Bindley, after looking at it, answered, 'Yes not very but rather a curious book." This faint morsel of encouragement was, it seems, sufficient to start him in his terrible career, and the trifle becomes important as a solemn illustration of the obsta principiis.

We take it, that the brilliant Frenchman has touched the root of the matter. Ought women to learn the alphabet? There the whole question lies. Concede this little fulcrum, and Archimedea will move the world before she has done with it; it becomes merely a question of time. Resistance must be made here or nowhere. Obsta principiis. Woman must be a subject or an equal; there is no middle ground.

Obsta principiis: that is my motto. Not that I really think, for a moment, the child is in danger. Lady Bassett has mind to control her nerves with; but why run the shadow of a chance?" "I will not run the shadow of a chance," said Sir Charles, resolutely; "let us come upstairs: my decision is taken." The very next day Sir Charles called on Mrs.

"Obsta principiis" may indeed be said to be a warning specially needed by us in regard to every kind of temptation. But we may go further than this. Our safety from particular sins depends very often and very largely, at a critical moment, upon our general attitude and feeling towards sin in every shape.