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The latter had jambed a day or two previous, and I had not had an opportunity of repairing it. The observer's seat was in the front, and just above, on the main struts, was a cross-tube of metal. On each end was an upright socket, for the purpose of dropping into it a Lewis gun. The pilot also had the same in front of him.

Our emergency ration had been in the observer's seat at the back, but we had been so busy trying to repair the motor and save ourselves from turning over that we didn't remember this until too late. When I crawled aft for food Moore saw that I was only helping the machine to capsize.

Leaving out of consideration the observer's possible, and even probable, error, the question is, can a body under these conditions be brought from a solid to a liquid state with evolution of less light? When the potential of a body is rapidly alternated it is certain that the structure is jarred.

Uncovered, this head gained a certain dignity of effect from the fashion in which the thin, iron-grey hair, parted in the middle, fell away from the full, intellectual temples, and curled in meek locks upon his collar. A vague resemblance to the type of Wesley or was it Froebel? might have hinted itself to the observer's mind. Thorpe's thoughts, however, were not upon types.

Then she thrust her bill for its full length down into his throat, a frightful-looking act, followed by a series of murderous gesticulations, which fairly made one observer's blood run cold. At the end of about twenty minutes, the mother, who meantime had made two visits to the tree, flew into place, and brooded for seventeen minutes.

Raphael's "Transfiguration" I also knew well from the old engraving of it that used to hang on our parlor wall from my earliest recollections; it still hangs yonder. But I never cared for this picture; it was too complicated and ingenious it needed too much co-operation from the observer's mind.

The pair of them hover about for a few minutes, and then disappear eastward. The lonely pilot and observer look round and take their bearings. "Where are the others?" shouts the pilot down the speaking-tube. "Right away to the north; we are alone in the wicked world." Thus the observer's reply, handed across on a slip of paper.

We had methods for checking the location, at any time, of every balloon launched anywhere in the United States. To a certain degree the same was true for airplanes. The UFO observer's estimate of where the object was located in the sky helped us to identify astronomical bodies.

"'Tis that I would learn: to be stronger than my very self, so that naught can betray me no passion I am tormented by, no anger I would conceal, no lure I would resist. 'Tis a man's self who oftenest entraps him. The traitor once subject, life lies at one's feet." The second thing which stirred the young observer's interest was the great man's great love.

Greenish-blue suns; pink clouds; bright yellow, orange, and crimson afterglows; gorgeous, magnificent, blood-red skies the commentators seemed unable to find language adequately to describe them. Listen to a German observer's remarks on the subject: "The display of November 29th was the grandest and most manifold.