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The pirut capting isn't a man of much principle and intends to kill all the people on bored the Sary and confiscate the wallerbles. The capting of the S.J. is on the pint of givin in, when a fine lookin feller in russet boots and a buffalo overcoat rushes forored and obsarves: "Old man! go down stairs! Retire to the starbud bulkhed! I'll take charge of this Bote!"

"I understand, Moses. That speech means that you are suffering from the same complaint. Well get out the biscuit." "Jus' de way ob de wurld," muttered the negro with a bland smile. "If a poor man obsarves an feels for de sorrows ob anoder, he allers gits credit for t'inkin' ob his-self. Neber mind, I's used to it!"

Wan day th' banker obsarves that ye've taken th' pledge, an' havin' fears f'r th' distilling business, he gets his money back. I owe th' distiller money an' he comes to me. I have paid out me money f'r th' shoes an' th' shoe-store man has put it in th' bank. He goes over to th' bank to get it out an' has his fingers cut off in a window. An' there ye are. That's credit.

"I understand, Moses. That speech means that you are suffering from the same complaint. Well get out the biscuit." "Jus' de way oh de wurld," muttered the negro with a bland smile. "If a poor man obsarves an' feels for de sorrows ob anoder, he allers gits credit for t'inkin' ob hisself. Neber mind, I's used to it!"

We sot there talkin & larfin until "the switchin hour of nite, when grave yards yawn & Josts troop 4th," as old Bill Shakespire aptlee obsarves in his dramy of John Sheppard, esq, or the Moral House Breaker, when we broke up & disbursed. Muther & children is a doin well & as Resolushuns is the order of the day I will feel obleeged if you'll insurt the follerin

"I see what you mean!" exclaimed Fred in some excitement; "right in the middle of the clearing stands a large cabin made of logs." "It's mesilf that obsarves the same," added Terry, replacing his cap and looking inquiringly at the Shawanoe, who let his extended arm fall as he faced about and said: "That is the home of my brothers; that is the cabin of the Hunters of the Ozark."