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Vincent's great dog, and Belinda was rallying her lover upon his taste for "the pomp, pride, and circumstance" of glorious travelling when an express arrived from Oakly-park. It was to delay their journey for a few weeks. Mr.

Yet often as this has been repeated, how difficult it is to impress the truth upon inexperienced, sanguine minds! Whilst young Vincent was immediately under his guardian's eye at Oakly-park, his safety from vice appeared to him inglorious; he was impatient to sally forth into the world, confident rather of his innate than acquired virtue. When he first became acquainted with Mrs.

Is there any thing so very terrible in the looks of your mother?" "No, only " "Only what, my dear?" "Only I was afraid you might not like me." "Who has filled your little foolish head with these vain fears? Come, simpleton, kiss me, and tell me how comes it that you are not at Oakly-hall, or What's the name of the place? Oakly-park?"

Moved by the earnest manner in which Belinda uttered these words, Lady Delacour rallied her no more, nor did she longer oppose her resolution of returning immediately to Oakly-park. "May I remind you," said Miss Portman, "though it is seldom either politic or polite, to remind people of their promises, but may I remind you of something like a promise you made, to accompany me to Mr. Percival's?"

You should also consider that the world at Oakly-park and in London are two different worlds. In London if you and Mr. Vincent were seen often in each other's company, it would be immediately buzzed about that Miss Portman and Mr. Vincent were going to be married; and if the match did not take place, a thousand foolish stories might be told to account for its being broken off.

Rochfort, and all the other young men stood laughing by the river side. "Who the devil are these two that seem to be making up to us?" said Sir Philip, looking at two gentlemen who were coming towards them; "St. George, hey? you know every body." "The foremost is Percival, of Oakly-park, I think, 'pon my honour," replied Mr. St. George, and he then began to settle how many thousands a year Mr.

Vincent from all his friends from Oakly-park?" "Will he not do what is most prudent, to avoid the charming Miss Portman," said Lady Anne, smiling, "if he must not love her? This was at least the advice I gave him, when he consulted us yesterday evening. But I will not sign his writ of banishment lightly.

I heard that lady call you Miss Portman: I believe you are the lady who wrote such a kind postscript to me in mamma's last letter that is the reason I speak so freely to you now. Perhaps you would write to tell me if mamma will see me; and Lady Anne Percival would take me at any time, I am sure but she goes to Oakly-park in a few days.

"Have patience with me, and you shall find that I am incapable of making a mere match of convenience." Then Miss Portman gave Lady Delacour a simple but full account of all that had passed at Oakly-park relative to Mr. Vincent. She repeated the arguments by which Lady Anne Percival had first prevailed upon her to admit of Mr. Vincent's addresses. She said, that she had been convinced by Mr.

Hervey's whole conduct and character, nor of any part of it; his letters and his generosity are nothing " "To you?" said Lady Delacour with a smile. "This is no time, and no subject for raillery, my dear friend," said Belinda; "you assured me, and I believed you, that the idea of Mr. Hervey's return was entirely out of the question, when you prevailed upon me to delay my journey to Oakly-park.