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I have reason to believe they are part of the squadron that chased this ship, in company with the Nymphe and Concorde, on the 2nd instant, off the Seven Islands; and that the ships of the line that were then in company proceeded to Brest.

The day following, Sir John Warren having detached me and La Nymphe to look into Cherbourg, on the very spot where La Réunion fell into our hands, we were on the point of taking a French frigate, apparently of twenty-eight or thirty-two guns.

The woman was apparently blindfolded with chiffon. The foamy bandage proved an efficient mask. Chiffon and draperies were of that color known to connoisseurs as cuisse de nymphe. A buzz of interested questioning swept over the company. Mrs. Ruttle-Marter, who had been quite abandoned for over an hour, suddenly found herself the center of a curious and eager group. "Who is she?" "What is she?"

The next day La Nymphe sprung her fore-mast, which obliged her to return to Spithead. I appeared close to Cherbourg all day yesterday, in the hope of drawing their ships out, which I plainly discerned to consist of six frigates, four of which were large.

On the Nymphe rejoining her, the two frigates went in pursuit of the enemy as far as Cherbourg. Thence Captain Pellew proceeded to the North Channel, where some French cruisers were reported to have gone; but having swept the Channel without seeing anything of them, and taken on board his brother Israel, then living, a commander on half-pay, at Larne, he returned to Falmouth.

Just then, awful to relate, whether by design or not I cannot say, she blew up with a loud explosion, wounding and killing many on board La Nymphe. Not one man escaped of all her crew." "Oh, mate, do you speak the truth?" exclaimed Paul, starting up and seizing the Frenchman by the hand. "Why should I deceive you, my friend?" answered the republican, putting his other hand on his bosom.

In the harbor were thirteen large ships, four Zanzibar men-of-war, one English man-of-war the `Nymphe, two American, one French, one Portuguese, two English, and two German merchantmen, besides numerous dhows hailing from Johanna and Mayotte of the Comoro Islands, dhows from Muscat and Cutch traders between India, the Persian Gulf, and Zanzibar.

Fortunately, the jib-boom broke, and the Cleopatra fell alongside the Nymphe, head and stern. The mainmast was again in danger, from the Cleopatra's larboard maintopmast-studding-sail boom-iron hooking in the larboard leech-rope of the main-topsail, and dragging the sail.

About eighty miners entered for the Nymphe and joined her at Spithead. She sailed on her passage from Spithead to Falmouth very badly manned, having not more than a dozen seamen on board, exclusive of the officers, who were obliged to go aloft to reef and furl the sails, the captain setting the example wherever anything was to be done, and often steering the ship.

The cap of liberty was then given to a sailor, who ran up the main rigging, and screwed it on the mast-head. At a quarter past six, the Nymphe reached the starboard quarter of the Cleopatra, when Captain Pellew, whose hat was still in his hand, raised it to his head, the preconcerted signal for the Nymphe to open her fire.