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"There now, we won't have any more tears: I've brought a new canister of tea I sent for to London. I'm just dying to taste if it's good; we'll brew it together, Nursie; I shall carry out the little table from the kitchen and we'll drink our tea under the plum tree," Robinette cried. She was carrying a great parcel under her arm, and when Mrs.

He never went to sleep after all, but his eyes were wide open, staring at the fire; and then he told me he had been thinking of dear mamma, and he thought I should be very like her some day. And then he thanked me for my pretty stories, and then tiresome old nursie fetched me to bed." That stupid little tale! To think of Mr. Lucas listening to that.

'We shall just have a quiet Easter here with nursie, Vava; you won't mind not having sea-breezes now that you have her, will you? Stella inquired of her sister a week before the Easter holidays began. They were sitting in the Enterprise Club waiting for Amy, who now had frequently to go home alone, as Eva was often very late, and had told her friend not to wait for her.

If only nursie were with us I should be quite happy, I think! she exclaimed. The two younger girls were in Eva's little bedroom, taking off Vava's outdoor things, a process which they had prolonged so as to talk confidentially together.

'Yes, and wanted to know if I would trust him with my bairn. Eh, that I would! she said. 'And what am I to do? cried Vava, and burst into tears. Stella had her arms round her sister in a moment. 'It won't make any difference, and we are going to stay where we are till the end of the year, and then you and nursie shall come and live with us, she explained.

'Thank you, nursie, said Stella with a pleasant smile, as she followed the housekeeper to her room; while Vava danced along in front of the old woman, calling her all sorts of affectionate names for her thoughtfulness in getting hot scones for them on this cold day. It was not a usual thing for the girls to have tea with the housekeeper, though they did sometimes do it.

"I say, you know, you mustn't tell secrets, old chap!" was the laughing response. "Miss Lorne will hand you over to Nursie with orders to put you to bed if you do, I know won't you, Miss Lorne?"

I sleep on the opposite side of the landing. I sit here most of the day. 'I shouldn't like it. My nursery is much prettier. You must be a queen too, if you are my great big grand-mother. 'Yes, I am a queen. 'Where is your crown, then? 'In my bedroom. 'I should like to see it. 'You shall some day not today. 'I wonder why nursie never told me. 'Nursie doesn't know. She never saw me.

"Good afternoon, Nursie dear!" a clear voice called out in her ear, and Elizabeth started to find that Robinette had tip-toed across the grass and was standing close beside her. She lifted her tear-stained face up to Robinette's as a child might have done.

"Well, I'm going into the kitchen now; come along, nursie." "'Ere, I say, miss!" remonstrated Tucker, flushing. "I don't know how Susan will like you going in her kitchen," said Chrissie thoughtfully; "however, that's your business."