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He knows the conditions of the will; he knows that, at the worst, I must have thirty thousand pounds, if I live a few months longer. I will go to him." ANIMUM nunc hoc celerem, nunc dividit illuc.* VIRGIL. * "Now this, now that, distracts the active mind." THE late Mr.

Congreve I saw a dozen of times at Button's, a splendid wreck of a man, magnificently attired, and though gouty, and almost blind, bearing a brave face against fortune. The great Mr. There were hundreds of men, wits, and pretty fellows frequenting the theatres and coffee-houses of that day whom "nunc perscribere longum est."

We must have Reilly here, and you must endeavor to convert him from Popery. If you succeed, I'll give long-shanks his nunc dimittis, and send him home on a trot." "Papa," she replied, "this will be useless it will be ruin I know Reilly." "The devil you do! When, may I ask, did you become acquainted?"

Celebrato post hoc prandio satis morose, quia nunquam est vltra semel edendum in die, de quo et eius administratione nunc longum est scribere, adsunt gesticulatores, mira visu, suauiaque auditu pedibus, manibus, brachijs, humeris, capitibus, et toto corpore, ac ad singulos gestus, correspondentes debito vocis sono. Et semper finem horum mirabilium cantilena subsequitur musicorum.

I would have every breast animated with the fervour of loyalty ; with that generous attachment which delights in doing somewhat more than is required, and makes 'service perfect freedom . And, therefore, as our most gracious Sovereign, on his accession to the throne, gloried in being born a Briton ; so, in my more private sphere, Ego me nunc denique natum, gratulor . I am happy that a disputed succession no longer distracts our minds; and that a monarchy, established by law, is now so sanctioned by time, that we can fully indulge those feelings of loyalty which I am ambitious to excite.

They have received her with that warm sympathy and holy love which it is the aim of their life to cherish. O mater alma Christ! carissima, Te nunc flagitant devota corda et ora, Ora pro nobis! August 5, 1847. The summer goes on pleasantly.

"Let him look!" she said to herself, with a grim clasp on her rosary; "a fair face draws buyers, and our oranges must be turned into money; but he who does more than look has an affair with me; so gaze away, my master, and take it out in buying oranges! Ave, Maria! ora pro nobis, nunc et," etc., etc.

He embarked at night on an old cutter at La Cirque and set sail for Porpoisia. But eight miles from the coast he was captured by a despatch-boat which was sailing without lights and which was under, the flag of the Queen of the Black Islands. That Queen had for a long time nourished a fatal passion for Chatillon. Nunc est bibendum.

I bless God I have lived to see you so well established, and am ready to sing my Nunc dimittis with pleasure," Lady Mary wrote to her daughter in November, 1760; and early in the next year she touched on the same subject in a letter to Sir James Steuart.

It seemed to her that for one short moment her spirit could say: "Domine, nunc dimittis,... Lord, now, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace." She imagined that she could cheerfully go away to Glasgow and rescue her fallen mother.