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Their arrival will of necessity disconcert the plans of the rebels. When it is known, the usurper will probably take to flight, and you will quickly have your own again." "But, in the meantime, what will the wretches have done with my family, and my grand-daughter Nuna, and the rest of those I hold dear?" This remark made Burnett feel very anxious, for he could not give a satisfactory reply.

Is there no better fun? Let us have a quail-fight, Khan." The Khan rose to order in the quails. The King gazed on Nuna with languid satiety. "I wonder how she would look, Europe-fashion." "Nothing is easier, Sire, than to see how she would look," said the Khan, as he returned with the quails.

My idea is to set out with Dick Thuddichum and Faithful, and one native as a guide. I have fixed upon one of the sons of Dhunna Singh, a fine, intelligent young fellow, who will, as we travel through the country, pick up information from the natives, and thus we shall be more likely to find out where Nuna is concealed than will be any number of armed men."

Becoming suddenly serious, he asked if anything had been seen the day before of Ujarak the angekok. "Yes, he was in the village in the evening," replied Nuna as she arranged the food on platters. "He and Ippegoo were found in the green cave yesterday by the Kablunet. He was out about the ice-heaps, and came on them just as Tumbler saved Pussi, and Ippegoo saved them both."

"He cannot travel alone," said Nuna, "and we will not help him to go." "We are not the only Innuits in all the land. Others will help him if we refuse." This was so obvious that the woman could not reply, but gazed for some time in perplexity at the lamp-smoke.

Nuna was comparatively young, Nunaga was necessarily younger. The former was kind, the latter was kinder. The mother was graceful and pretty, the daughter was more graceful and prettier. Nuna wore her hair gathered on the top of her head into a high top-knot, Nunaga wore a higher top-knot.

The colonel kept up the spirits of all the party by assuring them that relief would come, and urging them to bear patiently the hardships they were now called on to endure. Violet showed herself a true heroine, by ever wearing a cheerful countenance, by her constant attention to the sick and wounded, and by trying to keep up the spirits of the other ladies. Nuna imitated her example.

"But name the liars and stupid ones, mother," urged Nunaga, who, being a dutiful child, and anxious to carry out her father's wishes to the letter, stuck to her point. "Tell Issek, then, the mother of Arbalik, to come," returned Nuna, making a wry face. "If she is not stupid, she is wicked enough, and dreadful at lies.

Besides Nuna and Nunaga there was a baby boy a fat, oily, contented boy without a name at that time, and without a particle of clothing of any sort, his proper condition of heat being maintained when out of doors chiefly by being carried between his mother's dress and her shoulders; also by being stuffed to repletion with blubber.

The rest followed by degrees, until Rooney was left with Nuna and her daughter. "Your friends have had a fright," remarked the sailor. "They are easily frightened. Are you hungry?" "Yes; I feel as if I could eat a white bear raw." "So I expected," returned the little woman, with a laugh, as she placed a platter of broiled meat before her guest, who at once set to work.