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Numbers govern the world mundum regunt numeri. This proverb applies as aptly to the moral and political, as to the sidereal and molecular, world. The elements of justice are identical with those of algebra; legislation and government are simply the arts of classifying and balancing powers; all jurisprudence falls within the rules of arithmetic.

His. 2, 76: abiit et transvectum est tempus. Only T. uses the word in reference to time. Numeri==cohortes or manipuli, cf. His. 1, 6: multi numeri. This use of the word is post-Augustan. Cf. note, His. 1, 6. Tarda et contraria. In appos. with the foregoing clauses== circumstances calculated to retard and oppose him in commencing war. Plerisque, sc. of the inferior officers.

"Comoedia luget; Scena est deserta: hinc ludus risusque jocusgue Et numeri innumeri simul omnes collacrumarunt." Comedy mourns the Stage neglected sleeps E'en Mirth in tears his languid laughter steeps And Song, through all her various empire, weeps. Before I enter upon the sketch of Mr.

Secundus et tertius comitatus sunt eiusdem numeri virorum cum primo, quorum vnus ad dextram tendit Imperatoris, alius ad sinistrum in distantia ab ipso ad trium vel duarum leucarum. Quartus autem qui maior est omnibus, subsequitur Imperatorem quasi ad spatium iactus balistae.

Then there are the numeri simpatici, or the numbers in each month or year which are supposed to be fortunate, and lists of which are published in the popular almanacs. The "sympathetic number for instance for the month of March is 88," why or wherefore I have never been able to discover.