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The two things what men folks think the mos' of is the gal's outsides an' they own insides. The gal's outsides is goin' to change an' fade; but ef she's got sense 'nuf ter keep on a caterin' ter his insides, the man ain't a gwine ter notice the change. Ain't that the truf?" she asked Edwin as he came into the kitchen hunting his Molly. "You know best, Aunt Mary.

If we do not, we should like to have you young ladies come and call on us. It is always open house in the Overland camp. Julie, I hope we shall see you in the morning." "Ah don't reckon as you-all will be goin' away in the mornin'. Ah s'ppose Ah ought t' tell you-all what Ah knows, but Ah reckons you-all'll find out for yourselves soon 'nuf."

"An' dars' Aun' Priscilla's boy, Jake, who ain't a brudder yit, though he's plenty old 'nuf, min', I tell ye; an' he kin read de Bible, fus' rate, an' has read it ter me ober an' ober ag'in. Ain't dat so, Jake?" Jake grinned, nodded, and hung his head, very uncomfortable at being thus publicly pointed out.

After commencing to "keep house," the old women came to sell me eggs and beg for "bacca." They requested me never to throw away my coffee-grounds, as it made coffee "good 'nuf for black folks." I distributed some of my stores among them, and, after cutting rushes and boughs for my bed, turned in for the night.

I reckin I'll go skeer dat ole Harris, an' make him gib me a feed o' corn. So he jump ober de fence, fur he was spry 'nuf when he had a min' ter, an' he steals an ole bar skin dat he'd seen hangin' up in de store po'ch, an' he pretty nigh kivered himse'f all up wid it. Den he go down to de pos' offis, whar de mail had jes' come in.

For some time Wool could only reply by sobbing, but when he was able to articulate he blubbered forth: "It's nuf to make anybody go put his head under a meat-ax, so it is!" "What is the matter, Wool?" again inquired Capitola. "How'd you like to have your eyelids cut off?" howled Wool, indignantly. "What?" inquired Capitola. "Yes; I axes how'd you like to have your eyelids cut off?

Now she says, she did, you can all stay here en work en we will pay you foh your work, or you can work foh some body else, but I hev raised you hones, and don't you steal, and work foh nuf money so you wont hev to steal it if youse gits hongry and haint got no money to buy vittals jus you ask de white folks foh hit and dey will giv hit to youse. Oh how I miss my Missis and Massa so much.

Is there any cold chicken you could grill?" "Chota murghi one egg lay, mem-sahib, anda poach. Sahib, chicken grill laike!" "Oh, all right! But I thought of a mutton-chop for the major sahib." "Sahib no laike!" "Very well, that will do a poached egg for me and grilled chicken for the sahib." "No, mem-sahib no 'nuf. Sahib plenty 'ungry chicken grill, peechy ramble-tamble egg!"

She actually got up and went to the back door to look for Eliza. "Do you want her?" anxiously inquired Mrs Null, going to the old woman's side. "Yaas, I wants her," said Aunt Patsy. "I 'spec' she at Aggy's house dat cabin ober dar but I can't holler loud 'nuf to make her h'yere me." "I'll run over there and tell her you want her," said Mrs Null, stepping out of the door.

Jest as if inside of you, Lived a thing could tell you true, Whether it was goin' to rain, Whether you would have a pain, Whether him or you would beat, Whether you'd have 'nuf to eat! Bones was give to hold us straight, Not to tell us 'bout our Fate." "Yes, yes, I s'pose so," sighed Mrs. McGuire. "But when I think of John, my John, lyin' there so cold an' still "