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This river is navigable with barks little less than 1000 miles; and from the place where we entered it may be sailed up in small pinnaces to many of the best parts of Nuevo Reyno de Granada and of Popayan. And from no place may the cities of these parts of the Indies be so easily taken and invaded as from hence.

But to return to the enterprise of Berreo, who, as I have said, departed from Nuevo Reyno with 700 horse, besides the provisions above rehearsed.

In passing, they suggested to the editor of the Nuevo Mundo that he should not permit me to write again for the magazine. I wrote an article once dealing with Maceo and Cuba, whereupon a journalist from those parts jumped up and called me a fat Basque ox. The Catalans have also obliged me with some choice insults, which I have found engaging.

I walk along and look up at the signs, "Scandinavian Society;" "Yang Tzy Association of Shanghae;" "Nuevo Continente Restaurant Mejicano;" "Angelo Beffa, Helvetia Exchange," with the white cross and plumed hat of Switzerland. One street is all Chinese, with shiny-haired women, and little mandarins with long cues of braided red silk.

One evening I went, by appointment, to the Nuevo Club, to which I had been admitted as a foreign member, and in the smoking-room I awaited Hambledon. At last he came through the big swing doors, and approaching me, excitedly exclaimed: "They've both gone out to Segovia to see the Countess de Chamartin.

Bread is by no means the staff of life here, for meat and the great variety of roots and grain with which the country abounds, afford to the poor inhabitants an equally healthy and even more nutritious substance." EMMA." South of Buenos Ayres are Antonio Bay, Nuevo Gulf, Ergano Bay, Gulf of Vera, and Gulf of St. George, which last runs into the country of the gigantic Patagonians."

While in a dory spearing fish in the Rio Nuevo, after a sudden lurch of the boat, a young man of twenty-eight fell on the sharp point of a harpoon, which penetrated his abdomen. About one inch of the harpoon was seen protruding from below the tip of the ensiform cartilage; the harpoon was seven inches long.

El señor de Gorostiza ha adquirido un nuevo laurel, y nosotros quisiéramos que la obligación de periodista se limitara a alabar: mucho nos daría que hacer aun en este caso esta composición dramática. En cuanto a la representación, podemos asegurar que no nos acordamos de haber visto en Madrid nada mejor desempeñado en este género. I, en Colección de los Mejores Autores Españoles t.

Fifty years later Berreo, governor of Trinidad, set out from Nuevo Reyno with seven hundred horse and slaves, and descended the Cassanar river, bound upon the same errand.

'When do you propose going? 'I hope in a week. 'Alone? 'I fear I shall have many attendants. 'That is a pity. Well, when you arrive at Jerusalem, you will naturally go to the convent of Terra Santa. You will make there the acquaintance of the Spanish prior, Alonzo Lara. He calls me cousin; he is a Nuevo of the fourteenth century.