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He crossed the savannahs of San Juan de los Llanos, which were said to abound in gold; and made a long stay at an Indian village called Pueblo de Nuestra Senora, and afterwards La Fragua, south-east of the Paramo de la Suma Paz.

"Well, we're off," said Locke, coming aft, as Jarrow went forward to oversee the getting of the anchor and the passing of the hawser. Bevins came aft presently and took the wheel, and in a few minutes the Nuestra started down the bay at the end of her leash.

In September of 1610 two vessels returning to Holland met seven vessels under Admiral Both, in which were the first Dutch women sent to the Indias. About 1613 the Spanish force in the Moluccas is stated as follows: "... The Spaniards have control of the city of Gammalamma, in the island of Ternate, which they took from the inhabitants. They call it Nuestra Signora di Rosario.

There is another fortress, also of stone, in the same wall, within culverin range, located at the end of the curtain, which extends along the shore of the bay. It is called Nuestra Senora de Guia, and is a very large round tower. It has its own court, well, and quarters inside, as well as the magazine, and other rooms for work.

Joachin Adam, vicar general of the diocese, in a paper read before the Historical Society of Southern California several years ago, said: "The name Los Angeles is probably derived from the fact that the expedition by land, in search of the harbor of Monterey, passed through this place on the 2d of August, 1769, a day when the Franciscan missionaries celebrate the feast of Nuestra Señora de los Angeles Our Lady of the Angels.

La conciencia pública se dilatará, se robustecerá conteniendo y reflejando los sentimientos de la mujer, elemento pasivo, hoy por hoy, de nuestra ciudadanía, y en horas de crisis, cuando la nación alguna vez se encuentre en peligro, ella se verá servida y ayudada, no sólo por ciudadanos, sino también por ciudadanas, que no van a ser improvisadas ni inexpertas en las tareas y deberes colectivos sino acostumbradas a la disciplina de la organización y a los llamamientos del servicio público.

This is best explained in the words employed by Cahusac which Pitt has carefully recorded in the course of an altercation that broke out on the steps of the Church of Nuestra Senora del Carmen, which Captain Blood had impiously appropriated for the purpose of a corps-de-garde. I have said already that he was a papist only when it suited him.

The Spaniards had brought a miraculous picture with them, Nuestra Señora de Remedios, which is still in the country, and many pilgrims visit it; but Our Lady of Guadalupe is a native Mexican, and decidedly holds the first rank in the veneration of the people. In the great church there is a picture mounted in a gold frame of great value.

Esto me indica que ha nacido y se ha revelado la conciencia de ese derecho en la mujer filipina y no necesito más; no necesito contar el número y la clase de las que están en esa condición. Rizal en su tiempo al abogar por los derechos políticos de nuestra raza, estaba con muy pocos compañeros; en la mayoría de sus compatriotas, la conciencia de esos derechos estaba dormida.

Peth was slinking about the bar like a leopard on a still hunt when Captain Jarrow returned from his conference which resulted in a tentative charter of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario, with himself as master and Peth as mate.