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The many and various inscriptions, copied there by him, are all quoted in his great work on monuments, entitled, "Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie," and in his posthumous work, "Notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes rédigés sur les lieux."

In the following list, which is an exact copy of that which he had arranged, those marked with an asterisk are species that I have myself shot: Catalogue des especes du genre "ANTILOPE," observees en Egypte, dans la Nubie, au Soudan orientale et en Abissinie. A. GAZELLA, Blains. Spec. G. Dorcas.* Arab. Ghasal. G. Arabica,* Ehr. A la cote de la Mer rouge. G. Loevipes, Sund. Arab. Abou Horabet?

Soon after his return to France the king sent him on a mission to Egypt, where he remained from August, 1828, till the end of 1829. The Italian Rosellini joined him on the Nile. His "Lettres écrites d'Égypte et de la Nubie" render his observations and impressions and describe his life and adventures in Egypt, in a most entertaining and instructive style.

Nubie, Taka, Sennaar, Kordofan. G. spec. G. Dama,* Licht. Arab. Adra, Ledra. Riel, Bajouda, Berber, Sennaar, Kordofan. G. Soemmeringii, Rupp. Arab. Om Oreba. Tigreh, Arab. Taka, Massowa, Gedaref, Berber, Sennaar. G. Leptoceros. Arab. Abou Harab. Gazelle a longues cornes, minces et paralleles. Bajouda, Berber, Taka, Sennaar, Kordofan. B. CALOTRAGUS, Luad. C. montanus,* Rupp. Arab. Otrab and El Mor.