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"Bless yo' soul, boss, right den en dar I know'd w'at bin a-pester'n' un me, kaze des time I make up my min' fer ter come back ter dat baby, hit look like I see my way mo' cle'r dan w'at it bin befo'. Arter dat I lay dar, I did, en I lissen en I lissen, but I ain't year no mo' callin' en no mo' cryin'; en bimeby I tuck de blanket fum off'n my head, en lo en beholes, de stars done fade out, en day done come, en dey wa'n't no fuss nowhars.

The colonel looked thoughtfully into his glass, and remarked, as if to his own reflection therein, "Ain't many such men here nur nowhars else!" after which he drank the toast himself. "But that don't explain what Tarpaulin went fur," said the colonel, suddenly. "Yes, it does," said the exasperating Weasel, shutting his thin lips so tightly that it was hard to see where his mouth was.

"Brute!" muttered Ziffa inaudibly. "Oh! she werry sharp chile," returned Rais, "werry sharp got ears and eyes from the sole of hers head to de top of hers feets." Ziffa said nothing, either mentally or otherwise, but looked rather pleased. "Well," continued Rais, "we won't mention the name of Rimini again nowhars only w'en we can't help it, like."

"Laurelly," the nurse hesitated, "I wouldn't name it to ye whilst ye was a-sufferin, but I jest cain't find the baby's clothes nowhars. I've done washed the little trick and wrapped her in my flannen petticoat. I do despise to put anything on 'em that anybody else has wore ... hit don't seem right. But I've been plumb through everything, an' cain't find none of her coats. Whar did you put 'em?"

"Kom vis me," said Eaglenose to Skipping Rabbit one day after school. "Var you goes?" asked the girl shyly yet we might almost say twinklingly. "Don' know. Nowhars. Everywhars. Anywhars." "Kim 'long, den." "Skipping one," said Eaglenose of course in his own tongue, though he continued the sentence in English "de lunguish of de pale-fass am diffikilt." "Yes 'most too diffikilt for larn."

Bud rocked a little on his feet as he stood confronting the steady challenge of Aaron McGivins. "So ye lets a man work slavish fer ye all day, and then starts in faultin' him ef he takes a drink at sun-down. Well damn ye, I don't aim ter go nowhars tell I'm ready an' ambitious ter go does ye hear thet or does I hev ter tell ye again?"

They saw a shadow fall across the lighted doorway at their backs, and heard the somewhat disturbed voice of Warwick McGivins. "I've got ter go over thar ter ther wheat elevator, I reckon. I kain't find ther key nowhars an' I mistrusts I left hit in ther door when I war weighin' up wheat this evening; I'll jest leave ther two of ye hyar fer a spell." Jerry rose obligingly to his feet.

Hudgers, who lived next door, "is orful stuck up sence they got the sudsin' of them surpluses." This animadversion was soon conveyed to Amarilly, who instantly and freely forgave the critic. "She's old and rheumatic," argued the little girl. "She can't git to go nowhars, and folks that is shut in too long spiles, jest like canned goods. Besides, her clock has stopped.

"Yes, Miss, Ise alluz t'ought Miss Zoe hab pretty manners and a pretty face," replied Aunt Phillis; "but dere is ladies what habn't none, an' doan' git pleased wid nuffin' nor nobody, an eayn't stan' no misery nowhars 'bout deirselves, but jes' keep frettin' and concessantly displainin' 'bout dis t'ing and dat, like dey hasn't got nuffin' to be thankful for."