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"Gang fight," his chauffeur informed him briefly: "fly-cops cornered a bunch of 'em in November's garage " "Whose garage ?" "Red November's! Guess you've heard of him," the man pursued eagerly. "That's right he runs his own garage taxis for Dutch House souses, yunno " "Wait!" P. Sybarite interrupted. "Let me get this straight."

So I stuck around, hoping to get hold of Red and make him drunk enough to talk. Curiously enough when Shaynon left, Red came directly to my table and sat down. But by that time I'd had some champagne on top of whiskey and was beginning to know that if I pumped in anything more, it'd be November's party instead of mine.

"Red November's business ain't none'r mine," he growled; "an' less you know him a heluva sight better'n I do, you'd better take a straight tip from me and leave it lay!" "Oh!" said the little man hastily "I was only wondering.... But I wish you would slip Red the high sign: all I want is one word with him." "All right, bo' you're on."

No, Captain, but 'tis Saint November's Day, as they call it, a great holiday, and there isn't a ruffian in the country but has come out with his blagyard dog to head the fox!" A grin of guilt passed over the faces of the audience. "There's plinty foxes in the hill, Mr. Thrinder," shouted one of them; "Dan Murphy says there isn't a morning but he'd see six or eight o' them hoppin' there."

Then suddenly he quickened to the circumstances: the thing was finished, November stunned and helpless at his feet, November's driver making off, the crowd swarming round, the police an imminent menace. Now if Marian were in the body of the town-car, as he believed, he must get her out of it and away before the police and detectives could overtake and apprehend them both.

The Northern States have been great in peace; the material is being rapidly educated that will make them correspondingly great in war. "November's surly blasts" were baring the forests of foliage, when the order for the last Review by McClellan was read to the Troops.

And the body of the car contained one passenger, at least, if P. Sybarite might trust to an impression gained in one hasty glance through the forward windows as the car bore down upon them November's weapons spitting fire....

"Nella," P. Sybarite interpolated in an imperative tone, momentarily distracting November's attention "Nella says to tell you she wants you now immediately. Do you get that?" "Damn Nella!" snapped the gang leader. "Tell her to go to the devil. And you" he menaced P. Sybarite with a formidable look "you slide outa here in a hurry! See?"

There was in them a little of November's cold glitter, too, for Joan had been through much in the last few years; and experience, even though it does not harden, erects a defensive barrier between its children and the world. Her eyes were eyes that looked straight and challenged.

The cellars were full of the abundance of the gardens golden turnips, rosy potatoes and rows of pale green cabbages hanging by their roots to the beams gave an air of security against the long, cold, hungry winter. Inside of John Watson's home, in spite of November's dullness, joy and gladness reigned, for was not Pearl coming home?