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Reflections on the Peace..... The Prince of Wales' Adherents join the Opposition..... Character of the Ministry..... Session opened..... Debate on the Address..... Supplies granted..... Exorbitant Demand of the Empress-queen opposed..... Violent Contest concerning the Seamen's Bill..... Objections to the Mutiny Bill..... Bill for limiting the Term of a Soldier's Service..... Measures taken with respect to the African Trade..... Scheme for improving the British Fishery..... Attempt to open the Commerce to Hudson's Bay..... Plan for manning the Navy..... Fruitless Motions made by the Opposition..... Severities exercised upon some Students at Oxford..... Duke of Newcastle chosen Chancellor cf the University of Cambridge..... Tumults in different Parts of the Kingdom..... Scheme for a Settlement in Nova Scotia..... Town of Halifax founded..... French Attempts to settle on the Island of Tobago..... Rejoicings for the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle..... Pretender's eldest Son arrested at Paris..... Appearance of a Rupture between Russia and Sweden..... Interposition of the King of Prussia..... Measures taken by the French Ministry..... Conduct of different European Powers..... Insolence of the Barbary Corsairs..... Disturbances in England..... Session opened Subjects of Debate..... Scheme for reducing the Interest of the National Debt..... Act passed for that Purpose..... New Mutiny Bill..... Bill for encouraging the Importation of Iron from America..... Erection of the British Herring Fishery..... New African Company..... Westminster Election..... Earthquakes in London..... Pestilential Fever at the Session in the Old Bailey..... Disputes between Russia and Sweden..... Plan for electing the Arch-duke Joseph King of the Romans..... Opposition of the King of Prussia..... Disputes with the French about the Limits of Nova-Scotia..... Treaty with Spain..... Session opened..... Debate on the Address..... Supplies granted..... Death and Character of the Prince of Wales..... Settlement of a Regency, in case of a Minor Sovereign General Naturalization Bill..... Censure passed upon a Paper entitled Constitutional Queries..... Proceedings of the Commons on the Westminster Election..... Mr.

He is a splendid man that we class him No. 1, letter A. One night I chanced to go into General Peep's tavern at Boston, and who should I see there but the great Mr. Everett, a studying over a map of the Province of Nova-Scotia. Why it aint possible! said I if that aint Professor Everett, as I am alive! why how do you do, Professor?

They either ventured to navigate the river before it was clear of the ice, so early in the spring, that the enemy had not yet quitted the harbour of Nova-Scotia; or they waited on the coast of Newfoundland for such thick fogs as might screen them from the notice of the English cruisers, in sailing up the gulf; lastly, they penetrated through the straits of Belleisle, a dangerous passage, which, however, led them directly into the river St.

By the twenty-first day of April they were in sight of Louisbourg; but the harbour was blocked up with ice in such a manner, that they were obliged to bear away for Halifax in Nova-Scotia. From hence rear-admiral Durell was detached with a small squadron to sail up the river St.

"GENTLEMEN: "I have received from his Excellency Governor Lawrence, the King's Commission, which I have in my hand; and by his orders you are convened together to manifest to you, his Majesty's final resolution to the French inhabitants of this his Province of Nova-Scotia; who, for almost half a century, have had more indulgence granted them than any of his subjects in any part of his dominions; what use you have made of it you yourselves best know.

For the ordinary of the navy, including half-pay to sea-officers; for carrying on the building of two hospitals, one near Gosport, and the other in the neighbourhood of Plymouth; for the support of the hospital at Greenwich; for purchasing ground, erecting wharfs and other accommodations necessary for refitting the fleets at Halifax in Nova-Scotia; for the charge of the office of ordnance, and defraying the extraordinary expense incurred by that office in the course of the last year, they allowed seven hundred eighty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-nine pounds, six shillings and sixpence.

Major-general Amherst being joined by admiral Boscawen with the fleet and forces from England, the whole armament, consisting of one hundred and fifty-seven sail, took their departure from the harbour of Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, on the twenty-eighth of May; and on the second of June part of the transports anchored in the bay of Gabarus, about seven miles to the westward of Louisbourg.

The establishment of such a powerful colony in Nova-Scotia, could not fail giving umbrage to the French in that neighbourhood, who, though they did not think proper to promulgate their jealousy and disgust, nevertheless employed their emissaries clandestinely in stimulating and exciting the Indians to harass the colonists with hostilities, in such a manner as should effectually hinder them from extending their plantations, and perhaps induce them to abandon the settlement.

The reader will remember that brigadier-general Murray was left to command the garrison of Quebec, amounting to about six thousand men; that a strong squadron of ships was stationed at Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, under the direction of lord Colville, an able and experienced officer, who had instructions to revisit Quebec in the beginning of summer, as soon as the river St.

John more than a fortnight before she sailed on her return voyage to New York, as we learn from the address presented to her captain by the Loyalists who came in her. "To Captain Adnet, Commander of the Transport Bridgewater. "The Address of the Loyalists, that came in the Ship under your command, from New-York to St. John's River, Nova-Scotia.