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The numerous petty cabals which sprang from the cupidity, the jealousy, and the malevolence of individuals scarcely deserve mention. But there was one cause of discord which has been too little noticed, and which is the key to much that has been thought mysterious in the history of those times. Between English Jacobitism and Irish Jacobitism there was nothing in common.

You see, I happen to know several of the police on fixed posts up there, and one of them has told me that he noticed a car, which might or might not have been Mr. Warrington's, pull up, about the time his car must have disappeared, at a place in Forty- seventh Street which is reputed to be a sort of poolroom for women." Garrick raised his eyebrows the fraction of an inch.

Another who was noticed in the solemn, interminable procession was the bride's eccentric brother Hyacinthe, whose dress coat was of a cut never previously seen, with its tails broadly and symmetrically pleated.

Juliet, he noticed for the first time, had become singularly pretty. He engaged a severe Frenchwoman of mature age as chaperon, and made spasmodic attempts to take his adopted daughter into such society as the Belgian port, where he was consul at this time, could afford. It was not a large society; nor did eligible young men figure in it in any quantity.

One of the pair put his head on one side and said: "What ho!"; the other picked up a cigar stub from the gutter and began to smoke. "A young lady just got into your cab," said the stout young man. "Surely not?" said George. "What the devil do you mean surely not?" "I've been in the cab all the time, and I should have noticed it."

But the night before she had not noticed that the track turned and twisted many times before it reached the corner where they changed for the East Side car, and she had not noticed how long it took to travel the distance.

After what you have observed these years, particularly to-day, none of this can be particularly new to you." "I've noticed, of course, you you're different." "It is the little things about Robert I cannot swallow. Never could. He is the better business man and keeps my head out of the clouds, but many a time I've wanted to duck these years of apprenticeship and produce the things I believe in.

The servants collect them from the inside. "'Have you noticed if any of the letters you leave here bear a Russian postage stamp! Lyle asked. "The man answered, 'Oh, yes, sir, a great many. "'From the same person, would you say! "'The writing seems to be the same, the man answered. 'They come regularly about once a week one of those I delivered this morning had a Russian postmark.

They went upstairs together; and as Electra unlocked and bent over a large square trunk, her companion noticed a peculiar curl about the lines of the mouth, and a heavy scowl on the broad brow. "I want to show you the only bright, shining face I ever painted." She unwrapped an oval portrait, placed it on the mantelpiece, and, stepping back, fixed her gaze on Irene.

At the same time the feeling he had noticed between his protegee Natasha and Prince Andrew accentuated his gloom by the contrast between his own position and his friend's.