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I think if I had as little inclination for war as he has, I would not engage in the campaign at all; there is nothing to oblige him to do so-it is to reap glory, not to encounter shame, that men go into the army. His best friends, Lanoue and Cleremont, for example, have remonstrated with him on this subject, and he has quarrelled with them in consequence.

"Nothing." "But it is. Let me see." "Will you look at it easy and not tell?" she whispered, taking advantage of Carter's sudden interest in the judges' stand. "Sure and I will. Just a peep. Come!" She opened the fan half-way, and disclosed a tiny picture of himself sewed on one of the slats. "And it's meself that you care for, Annette!" he whispered. "I knew it, you rascal, you rogue!"

The night wore on as she planned the work of coming years, but she still walked up and down the floor, with slow, uncertain steps, like one who, peering at distant objects, sees nothing close at hand.

Wishing is one thing; willing is quite another. Lazily wishing and strenuously desiring are two entirely different postures of mind; the former gets nothing and the latter gets everything, gets God, and with God all that God can bring. But the wish must not only rise to intensity and earnestness, but it must be steadfast.

Under other circumstances he would have keenly enjoyed the brief vacation and the change from the desert life and work, but now he could think of nothing but the situation in which he so unexpectedly found himself. Once he would not have hesitated an instant to do Greenfield's bidding. Why should he hesitate now?

It may well have been that James in his own private soul had no more desire for such a tremendous step than the nobles who struggled to the last against it. But he had les défauts de ses qualités in a high degree. He was nothing if not a knight of romance. And though, as the poet has said "His own Queen Margaret, who in Lithgow's bower All silent sat, and wept the weary hour,"

Every day's delay at Challis meant an abridgment of the bridegroom's leave, and the wedding was now but a fortnight away. It began to seem preposterous that he should go at all, and the colonel was annoyed with himself for his enthusiasm over the plan in the first place. Mrs. Bogardus's watchfulness of dates told the story of her thoughts, but she said nothing.

The simply good, and unaffectedly pious, will sometimes command the regard of the worldly and irreligious. 'If you remain in my house, Mrs Prothero, it is because you have been consistently kind to me, and received my mother. As to your husband, I would 'Not to me, Howel, if you please I can hear nothing against him. You must remember the provocation, and try to forgive and forget as I do.

In nearly all conversions in middle life, or dramatic returns from scepticism to traditional belief, a large, part is undoubtedly played by forgotten childish memories and early religious discipline, surging up and contributing their part to the self's new apprehensions of Reality. If, then, the cultus did nothing else, it would do these two highly important things.

His was one of those strange natures which work in grooves and cannot get out of them. Nothing but the death of Herresford would persuade him to break the continuity of his service. His master might storm, and threaten, and dismiss him. It always came to nothing. Mr.