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And when she came to the pear-tree, she heard Francisca's voice, and it say to some one she see not, 'Fly! vamos! some one have come. And then she come at the moment upon Francisca, very white and trembling, and alone. And Francisca she have run away and say nossing, and shut herself in her room.

"You knew how I've felt since that bell joke, and you dare to send me a miniature one!" "I sent nossing!" "Didn't I see you just bring this?" demanded Mr. Grimm, holding out the bell. "It was addressed to you on ze paper!" "Yes, and you did it!" "I did not!" "I say you did!" "Zen you mean zat I tells a lie?" "If you want to take it that way!" "Zen I say you also are one who knows not ze truth!"

Edwards discharged you from his employ last spring?" "Nossing! Nossing! Ah'll be work for heem more good as never was." "If he treated you as unjustly as that," said Paige, with sympathy, "you cannot have a very high opinion of Mr. Edwards." "Ah'll tol' you he was bad mans. He'll discharge me more as seexty mile off. Ah'll have for walk, me.

"I don't know who you are, young man, but youre extremely impudent to come tramping into my kitchen, adding nothing to the sum of knowledge but a confirmation of my sex which would be plain to any mammal. If youve " "Nein, Fräulein Doktor," said Gootes hastily, "about z' kelvinators I know nossing. I represent, Fräulein Doktor, z' Daily Intelligencer zeitung "

I'll not know nossing, Mademoiselle. I'll not even know who is Mademoiselle, or why she'll been here, me. I'll not know for say, whether 'Madame, whether 'Mademoiselle. Mais 'Mademoiselle' que je pense." She looked about her hastily. "I'm here against my wish, Eleazar. I want to get away from here as soon as I can." He drew away in sudden fright.

All the dogs, they afraid of Coquelicot, because he have the minds. And he, Coquelicot, he fear nossing, except Madame when she is angry." "Who was she?" asked Petie, "a big dog?" "Ah, dog, no!" cried Marie, her face flushing. "Madame my violon, my life, my pleasure, my friend.

As he ended, from another room somewhere up-stairs, came a child's clear voice singing, God west you, mer-wy gentle-men, Let nossing you dismay; For Jesus Chwist our Sa-wiour Was born this ve-wy day. Livingstone looked at Mrs. Shepherd. She was standing under the long evergreen festoons just where they met and formed a sort of verdant archway.

"Take zem away," said the priest, interrupting his brief homily and standing up. "Don't you understand yet zat we are your friends wizzout money and wizzout price? We do not want zese sings. Shamán takes ivories from ze poor, furs from ze shivering, and food from zem zat starve. And he gives nossing in return nossing! Take zese sings away; no one wants zem at Holy Cross."

"He says he saw nothing but some pictures and old furniture." "Mon Dieu! an' zey tell 'im nossing. Saperlipopette! Come wiz me. I can trust you. You shall know my secret, too." We followed him in silence up the path which led to the bungalow, and into the house. The Baron unlocked a door and unbolted some shutters. We saw two portraits, splendid portraits of two handsome young men in uniform.

At length he mustered courage to touch his friend's arm softly with his little hand. "I didn't go to do it!" he said. "Don't ye cry, Mis' De Arthenay! I don't know what I did, but I didn't go to do it, nohow." Marie turned and looked at him, and smiled through her tears. "Dear little Petie!" she said, stroking the curly head, "you done nossing, little Petie. It was the honger, no more!