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"I'll swear 'em into line, you holler 'Go! and the Honer'ble Bickford will finger that new gold stop-watch of his and see how fast they do it. Northin' to it, I say!" "This is the blastedest town a man ever settled down in to spend his last days in peace and quietness," growled the Cap'n.

"It's bein' hinted round town here more or less that you're northin' but bluff. I don't realize, come to think it over, how I ever come to let you git such a holt in my fam'ly. The two were sitting, as was their custom in those days of the Colonel's espionage, under the big maple in the yard. A man who was passing in the highway paused and leaned on the fence.

Brackett pulled up. "Blast your infernal pelt," howled the Cap'n, "you drive on!" "Bus'ness is bus'ness," muttered the peddler, "and you ain't bought me and my team with that little old ten dollars of yourn, and you can't do northin', anyway, till Hecla gits there with the boys, and when you're there I don't see what you're goin' to amount to with that sore toe." He was clearly rebellious.

Aholiah Luce came walking into the village, spent, forlorn, and draggled. She went straight to the town office, and seated herself in front of the musing first selectman. "I've come to call on for town help," she said. "I haven't got scrap nor skred to eat, and northin' to cook it with. You've gone to work and put us in a pretty mess, Mister S'leckman.

Crymble could get her thin lips nipped together and her hands on her hips she pulled herself into her accustomed self-reliant poise. "It's you, is it, you straddled-legged, whittled-to-a-pick-ed northin' of a clothes-pin, you? You've sneaked back to sponge on me in your old age after runnin' off and leavin' me with a run-down farm and mortgidge!

A flicker of gratification shone on his face at the thought that the Cap'n was so nobly and graciously rising to the spirit of the thing. "It's come, Louada Murilla it's come!" gulped Cap'n Sproul, as he staggered into the kitchen, where his wife cowered in a corner. "He's readin' a warrant. He's even got the Portygee's name. My Gawd, they'll hang me! I can't prove northin'."

You take them and and that elephant," he added, grimly returning to that point of dispute, "and we've got an outfit that I'm ashamed to have the Atlantic Ocean see me in company with." "Don't let that elephant fuss you up," said Hiram, complacently regarding Imogene couched in the waist. "But there ain't northin' sensible you can do with her." Hiram cocked his cigar pertly.

Parrott had eyes that turned out from his nose, and though the Cap'n and Hiram were on opposite sides of the room it seemed as though his peculiar vision enabled him to fix an eye on each at the same time. "I'm glad I found you here both together," he snarled. "I can tell you both at one whack. I ain't got northin' against you. You've used me like gents.

"Didn't seem to be northin' to say to fit the case." "Not after the way they took the truth when it was offered to 'em," agreed Hiram. "I didn't say anything out loud. I said it to myself, and it would have broke up the party if a little bird had twittered it overhead at a Sunday-school picnic." That day Jackson Denslow, pricked by a fee of ten dollars, made more searching investigation.

"And you and 'Kit' you and Duke Jabe, leave you alone to run a fair wouldn't have northin' but his new exhibition hall filled with croshayed tidies and hooked rugs." "Well, I move," broke in Trustee Dunham, "that we git som'ers. I'm personally in favor of pleasin' Honer'ble Bickford and takin' the exhibition hall." "That's right!