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Major Appleton immediately crossed with his force from Hadley, and fell furiously upon the assailants, every man burning with the desire to avenge the destruction of Northfield, Deerfield, and Springfield. Notwithstanding this determined defense, the Indians, inspired by the energies of their indomitable leader, fought a long time with great resolution.

Re-enforcement. An ambuscade. Dreadful slaughter and tortures. Rescue of Northfield. Northfield abandoned. Attempts to save some corn. Unsuspicious of danger. Sudden attack. A scene of carnage. The English overpowered. Captain Mosely attempts a rescue. A prolonged fight. The Indians vanquished. Burial of the dead. Deerfield destroyed. Plot against Springfield. A timely warning.

"My manners shall mask devilish craft until success is assured. There will be smiling, hypocritical acquiescence in Northfield plans, then prompt, decisive action upon the part of Paul Lanier." For hours Paul continued revolving in his mind various plans, but reached no definite conclusion as to his course of action.

In hesitating, plaintive voice, Esther said: "Mr. Langdon, I greatly appreciate your sentiments toward me, and feel much interest in your future. No light consideration would influence me in such an important decision. I have no words to tell you how it pains me to decline such an honorable proposal. I too will always have tender recollections of your stay at Northfield.

There is no telling but that his disordered fancy may find material in former lake memories." Sir Donald sees the force of these suggestions. He will employ guards at Northfield and along shores of the lake. Father and daughter go home that afternoon. As if in reverie, he says: "I feel renewed confidence in the London agency. There have been many obstacles. The system employed was faultless.

Then," laughingly, "do you think you two could ever come to an agreement and be friendly as brothers if your interests were identical?" "I could answer for myself," he said with respectful gravity. "For many years the old house of Henry & Co. had an excellent standing. Mr. Northfield was much the elder and it seemed as if he might go years the first, but he did not.

One charged us with being accessory to the murder of Cashier Heywood, another with assaulting Bunker with intent to do great bodily harm, and the third with robbing the First National bank of Northfield. The fourth charged me as principal and my brothers as accessories with the murder of Gustavson.

To him more than to any other man, I owe the greatest blessing that ever came into my life. Through Mr Moody I met the Rev F.B. Meyer, and one sentence which he used at Northfield changed my ministry. He said, "If you are not willing to give up everything for Christ, are you willing to be made willing?"

The blow upon the head of Alice and thrust following were in quick succession, but he received an impression as to their enemy's identity. He had seen the same heavily whiskered face on the trip from Northfield to London, and in Hyde Park. Had not he observed that listening attitude, while Alice was relating her troubles with Paul Lanier?

While Pitts and I were waiting for Bob and Chadwell we scouted about, going to Madelia and as far as the eastern part of Cotton-wood county, to familiarize ourselves with the country. Finally, a few days later, the boys joined us, having bought their horses at Mankato. We then divided into two parties and started for Northfield by somewhat different routes.