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During the last twelve years he has made, with untiring energy, a tour of all the Écoles Normales in France, returning several times to places where he found signs of good vocal ability. In each school he made the pupils sing his songs in unison, or in two or three parts, sometimes massing the boys' and girls' schools of one town together.

To all intents and purposes they were the same set of men. Why was not Doggie among them? It seemed very strange. After a while she made some sort of an acquaintance with a sergeant who had a few words of French and appeared anxious to improve his knowledge of the language. He explained that he had been a teacher in what corresponded to the French Ecoles Normales.

The great thing is that the music has really got hold of them, and that now one may hear the provincial Écoles Normales performing choruses from Fidelio, The Messiah, Schumann's Faust, or Bach cantatas. The honour of this remarkable achievement, which no one could have believed possible twenty years ago, belongs almost entirely to M. Maurice Buchor.

* Les Ecoles Normales were schools where masters were to be instructed in the art of teaching. Certain deputies objected to them, as being of feudal institution, supposing that Normale had some reference to Normandy.

At length, as a result of these individual efforts, the State began to show an interest in this educational movement, although it had for so long stood apart from it. It discovered, in its turn, the educational value of singing. A musical test was instituted at the examination for the Brevet supérieur which made the study of solfeggio a more serious matter in the Écoles Normales.

* Les Ecoles Normales were schools where masters were to be instructed in the art of teaching. Certain deputies objected to them, as being of feudal institution, supposing that Normale had some reference to Normandy.