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Norham Castle, near Berwick, is still a very striking pile, especially to those who come upon it, as the writer did, after four days leisurely walking down the banks of the great border river. Every curve of the stream had its natural beauty intertwined with some association of history or the poets, from the first morning on Neidpath Fell, to the fourth evening when

The party was beginning to thin when Meynell, impatient to be quit of his Cabinet Minister that he might find Mary Elsmere before it was too late, hurried from the green drawing-room, in the wake of Mr. Norham, and stumbled against a young man, who in the very imperfect illumination had not perceived the second figure behind the Home Secretary. "Hullo!" said Meynell brusquely, stepping back.

Lord Coombe met her in the street one evening at twilight and he stopped to speak to her. "I have just come from Darte Norham," he said to her. "The Duchess asked me to see you personally and make sure that you do not miss Dowie too much that you are not lonely." "I am very busy and am very well taken care of," was her answer. "The servants are very attentive and kind.

The walk appeared to go on interminably by the river-side, through the same sweet shadow; but I turned and found my way into the cathedral close, beneath an ancient archway, whence, issuing again, I inquired my way to the Waterloo Hotel, where we had put up. ITEMS. We saw the Norham Castle of Marmion, at a short distance from the station of the same name.

He described the long journeys in Palmer's dress, his return to Scotland, meeting Marmion at Norham Castle, the tilt on Gifford moor, and the interview with the Abbess, when he received from her the letters proving his innocence. Already, at Tantallon, he had told his story to Douglas, who had known De Wilton's family of old.

In a house in Edinburgh, not far removed from Holyrood, clad in deep black, there lingered restlessly a Border woman, for whom the months had dragged with halting foot since a certain spring night near Norham. "Will he come?" to herself she whispered for the hundredth time. "Surely he must come." And as she waited, a flush leapt to her cheek at the sound of a step nearing her door.

One was from Hugh Flaxman, communicating the news of the loss of two valuable gold coins from the collection exhibited at the party. "We are all in tribulation. I wonder whether you can remember seeing them when you were talking there with Norham? One was a gold stater of Velia with a head of Athene."... The other letter was addressed in Henry Barron's handwriting.

"That I understand is what we're giving the party for. Intriguer!" Rose threw him a cool glance. "You may continue to play Gallio if you like. I am now a partisan." "So I perceive. And you hope to turn Norham into one." Rose nodded. Mr.

To welcome Marmion, the Flower of English Chivalry, the soldiers of the guard of Norham stood in the castle yard, with reversed pike and spear. Minstrels and trumpeters were there, the welcome was prepared, and as the train entered, a clang sounded through turret and tower, such as the old castle had seldom heard.

The well-known ballads on these two North-country legends were published by M.G. Lewis and Mr. Lambe, of Norham. "Sir Guy," in the Tales of Wonder, and "The Worm," in Ritson's Northumberland Garland. See Child's English and Scottish Ballads, 8 vols. 12mo, Boston, 1857, vol. i. p. 386. Fyn Segellak wel brand en vast houd: old brand used by sealing-wax makers.