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"Now, Nopper, what became of the ball I was going to give?" demanded Monty, a troubled look in his eyes. "Why, we called it off," said "Nopper," in surprise. "Don't you remember, Monty?" asked Peggy, looking up quickly, and wondering if his mind had gone trailing off. "I know we didn't give it, of course; but what date did you hit upon?" "We didn't postpone it at all," said "Nopper."

Since confiding some of them to "Nopper" Harrison, that gentleman had worn a never-decreasing look of worry and anxiety in his eyes. Rawles added to his despair a day or two after the Stock Exchange misfortune.

Bragdon's hands trembled and his voice was not sure as he translated the scrawl, "Nopper" Harrison standing behind him for the gleeful purpose of prompting him when the writing was beyond the range of human intelligence: HOLLAND HOUSE, Sept. 23, 19 "My Dear Boy: "So you thought I had given you the slip, eh? Didn't think I'd show up here and do my part?

Wouldn't it be better to pull up a bit? This looks like sheer madness. You won't have a dollar, Monty honestly you won't." "It's not in me to save money, Nopper, but if you can pull out a few dollars for yourself I shall not object." "You told me that once before, Monty," said Harrison, as he walked to the window.

"By Jove, it's sensible of you to get married on your birthday, Monty. It saves time and expense to your friends." "Read it aloud," said "Subway" Smith. "Two to one it's from Nopper Harrison," cried Pettingill. Brewster's fingers trembled, he knew not why, as he opened the envelope.