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Young women wearing the most recent thing in ash-coloured travelling suits were not so plentiful in Nopal! He perceived Octavia at almost the same time, deflected his course, and steered for her in his old, straightforward way.

"But we won't let them find us out, stupid one," replied his brother, impatiently. "What if Chinigchinich should be angry with us? He does not like to have children in the ceremony of the offering," said Payuchi. "I will give him my humming-bird skin, and you shall give him your mountain quail head; then he will be pleased with us," answered Nopal.

Who was it, dear?" When Mrs. Octavia Beaupree, nee Van Dresser, stepped from the train at Nopal, her manner lost, for the moment, some of that easy certitude which had always marked her movements. The town was of recent establishment, and seemed to have been hastily constructed of undressed lumber and flapping canvas.

"This bundle is so large it nearly tumbles me over." "Just hurry a little until we get to the foot of the hill yonder where Nopal and the other big boys are playing, and you can rest while I watch the game," answered her brother.

In the middle of the opening they saw, by the light of a low fire, a small cone-shaped hut. Beside it stood a gigantic figure painted and adorned with shells, feathers, rattlesnake skins, and necklaces of bone. "Come back," whispered Payuchi, his teeth chattering with fear. "It is Chinigchinich himself; he will see us, and we shall die." "No," answered Nopal, "it is only Nihie, the medicine man.

Cumana, Coro, the island of Margareta, and Curassao, are the parts of South America that abound most in plants of the nopal family. There only, a botanist, after a long residence, could compose a monography of the genus cactus, the species of which vary not only in their flowers and fruits, but also in the form of their articulated stems, the number of costae, and the disposition of the thorns.

After a little the boys followed, slipping from bush to bush that they might not be discovered. They had walked about a mile, when they came to thicker woods with bigger trees and saw a light ahead of them. Nopal laid his hand on his brother to stop him. Peeping through a scrub-oak bush, they looked down into a little glade arched over with great live oaks.

"Come on, then," said the brother; so, stealing softly down the hillside, the boys cast their offerings on the pile in front of the hut and ran away, taking a roundabout path home, that they might not meet the medicine man returning. "We must hurry to get in the jacal before father," said Nopal, suddenly. "I didn't think of that. Run, Payuchi, run faster."

"Senor Capitan," continued he, "you are without a sword. Will you favour me by accepting this?" Don Cosme held out to me a rapier of Toledo steel, with a golden scabbard richly chased, and bearing on its hilt the eagle and nopal of Mexico. "It is a family relic, and once belonged to the brave Guadalupe Victoria." "Ha! indeed!" I exclaimed, taking the sword; "I shall value it much.

At the small station, Nopal, he had learned of the delayed train and, having no commands to wait, turned his ponies toward the ranch again. Now, if one supposes that Easter, the Goddess of Spring, cares any more for the after-church parade on Fifth Avenue than she does for her loyal outfit of subjects that assemble at the meeting-house at Cactus, Tex., a mistake has been made.