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And I'm tellin' my friends I'll send them a picture postcard noo and then frae foreign parts. "Yell ken fine it's frae me," I tell my friends, "because there'll be no stamp on the card when it comes tae ye!" Always the audience roars wi' laughter when I come to that line.

You can imagine our disgust when we interviewed the Captain. "Not on your life!" he said decidedly. "Why, boys, I got two a 'em a-ready, one in Noo Bedford she's my lawful, and one a sort of 'erdeependence, in Sausalito. But boys, I don't go for to commit trigonometry, no sir!" Thunder rested on our brows but the Captain continued,

So there was five thousand dollars a thousand poonds for ma wounded laddies at hame in Scotland. Noo, think o' the contrast. There's a toon I'll no be writing doon its name where they wadna bid but twelve dollars aboot twa poond ten shillings for the book! Could ye blame me for being vexed? Maybe I said more than I should, but I dinna think so. I'm thinking still those folk were mean.

"May I be hanged if I do, then!" said I, passionately; for my blood was noo gettin up.

"Ye might carry th' name av a Noo York money-grubber, but yer hear-rt is th' hear-rt av a foightin' McKim an' yer eyes, an' that smile th' McKim smile that's as much a laugh as th' growl av a grizzly an' more dangerous thin a cocked gun." The old man paused and filled his pipe, muttering and chuckling to himself. Bill grasped his hand, wringing it in a mighty grip.

Noo I hae the banker's word for statin' that upo' the very Monday mornin' efter that Sunday, Bruce paid into the bank a five poun' note o' that verra indentical nummer. What say ye to that, Robert Bruce?" A silence followed. Thomas himself broke it with the words: "That money he oucht to hae supposed was Mr Cooie's, and returned it till's dochters. But he pays't intil's ain accoont.

"Hermy!" growled M'Ginnis, black brows fierce and scowling, "a hell of a lot you care for Hermy, I don't think!" "Say now, you Bud, whatcher mean?" demanded Spike, quivering with sudden anger. "Just this, Kid what kind of a brother are ye t' go lettin' that noo pal o' yours that guy you call Geoff go sneaking round her morning, noon, an' night?" "You cut that out, Bud M'Ginnis. Geoff don't!

"I can ony venture what I hope'll be a 'word in season' noo and then, as the Maister gies me a chance," she would say to her husband. Though she did not know it, she had spread before Edith a Gospel feast, and her genuine, hearty sympathy was teaching more than eloquent sermons could have done, and already the grateful girl was questioning: "What makes these people differ so from others?"

If yere wage was right then, it's wrang the noo." Under the strain Mr. Maitland's boring eyes and increasing impatience the Doric flavour of McNish's speech grew richer and more guttural, varying with the intensity of his emotion. "And what may these figures be?" enquired Mr. Maitland with a voice of contempt. "These are the figures prepared by the Labour Department of your Federal Government.

Thou'rt just the chap I want. "'Indeed! said the Londoner. "'Yes, indeed, said the Sunderland man. 'I'm a man of few words. Noo, if thou'lt come over to canny ould Sunderland thou seest I'll give thee a hundred and twenty pounds a year, and that's a plum thou dost not meet with every day in thy life, I reckon. Noo then.