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It may be considered as characteristic of our poet's writings, that they either make no impression on the mind at all, seem mere nonsense-verses, or that they leave a mark behind them that never wears out. They either "Fall blunted from the indurated breast" without any perceptible result, or they absorb it like a passion.

Lear, a good deal the elder man of the two, was born in 1813, was a painter by profession, and was the "E. L." of a well-known poem of Tennyson's. It was not till 1861 that his delightful nonsense-verses, known to his friends in private, were first published, and they received various additions at intervals till his death in 1888.

Dale's nonsense-verses were perfect nonsense to Hugh: but his construing was not: and when he went over it aloud, for the purpose of fixing his lesson in his ear, as well as his mind, Hugh was sorry when they arrived at the end, and eager to know what came next, particularly if they had to stop in the middle of a story of Ovid's.

'I agree with you, said Revel, who recollected the nonsense-verses of Eton, and the logic of Christ Church; 'all the scrapes and unhappiness of my youth, and I assure you they were not inconsiderable, are to be ascribed to the obstinate resolution of my family to make a priest out of a man who wished to be a soldier.

Craighouse Birth and marriages Office and literary work "Perth days" Captain Speke Library Athenæum Historiographership Unsociability and Hospitality St Albans Strasburg London Stories, jokes, and nonsense-verses. At Craighouse a second son was born to Dr Burton; his seventh and youngest child.

His tragedies in rhyme, however worthless in themselves, had at least served the purpose of nonsense-verses; they had taught him all the arts of melody which the heroic couplet admits. For bombast, his prevailing vice, his new subjects gave little opportunity; his better taste gradually discarded it.

So say not that ye would have acted with respect to William Wallace one whit better than your fathers and you in particular, ye children of Charlie, whom do ye write nonsense-verses about? A family of dastard despots, who did their best, during a century and more, to tread out the few sparks of independent feeling still glowing in Scotland but enough has been said about ye.

Dale's nonsense-verses were perfect nonsense to Hugh: but his construing was not: and when he went over it aloud, for the purpose of fixing his lesson in his ear, as well as his mind, Hugh was sorry when they arrived at the end, and eager to know what came next, particularly if they had to stop in the middle of a story of Ovid's.

I foresee that our Etons and Oxfords with their nonsense-verses, college-logics, and broken crumbs of mere speech, which is not even English or Teutonic speech, but old Grecian and Italian speech, dead and buried and much lying out of our way these two thousand years last past, will be found a most astonishing seminary for the training of young English souls to take command in human Industries, and act a valiant part under the sun!